US, 1984, 100 minutes, Colour.
Glenn Close, Ted Danson, Roxana Zal, Olivia Cole, Lane Smith, Jane Kazmareck.
Directed by Randa Haines.
Something About Amelia is a powerful and moving telemovie. Set in an average American family, the theme of the telemovie is incest. The film dramatises a situation, highlights the effect on each member of the family and opts at the end, with a hopeful note, for a therapeutic solution to the problem.
The film is particularly well-acted, which makes for its being very convincing. Ted Danson, star of many films including Body Heat and of the television series Cheers, is an interesting choice for the father. The point is made that respectable-seeming parents are responsible for incestuous situations. Glenn Close (Oscar nominee for The World According to Garp, The Big Chill, The Natural) is excellent as the mother and young Roxana Xal does a very good job as Amelia.
The film is designed for home viewing - it makes the subject being treated accessible for a wide-ranging audience. It has the potential for doing a lot of good in raising community consciousness to such problems.
1. An interesting telemovie? Impact? Dramatising of situations? Message? Therapy solution?
2. The American setting: home, work, school, family activities, court, therapy sessions.
3. The straightforward style, the echoes of domestic dramas and comedies, the focus on the characters with close-ups, reactions and responses? The intercutting of the experiences of each member of the family for effect? Atmospheric score?
4. The themes for telemovie and home audience: the reality of incest, statistics, explanations? Themes of need for love, power, affection? The responsibility of the parent? The spouse? The children? The effect on each? The dramatic aspects of the theme? Possibilities for hope and healing?
5. The credits sequences and the establishing of the family, the relationships, the children growing up? The tension in the marriage between Steven and Gail? The girls and their day-by-day situations? The build-up to Amelia's going to the dance? The puzzle about the tensions? The expectations of what was to happen?
6. The fact of Steven having a relationship with his daughter, the appearances being against this, Amelia's declaration and its impact, the variety of reactions, accusations of lies? Coming to terms with the reality? The explanations of behaviour? The effect on Steven? His coming to tell the truth? The scenes of him being by himself - and the irony of the Shirley Temple song and dance routine about 'Daddy Take a Bow'? The resolution with Gail, with Dr Farley, with Amelia? Participation in therapy?
7. The portrait of Amelia: 13, going to the dance, her tensions, the seeming distance with her father, his visiting her room and apologising, his attack on Robert, Robert wanting to take her to the movies, her mother taking sides? Her general unhappiness? The school counsellor seeing this? Giving her the opportunity to talk? Her mother's reaction and accusing her of lying? The coming of the police? The consequences of her declaration?
8. The effect on Amelia, talking to the police, to the counsellor - explaining the situations, the reasons, the effect? Audiences realising she was only a child and her father taking advantage of her? The Centre and the other girls? Return home, Beth's anger - and then later response of love? Her mother realising the truth and the reconciliation? The sessions with Dr Farley? Her father's apology and asking her not to blame herself? Their reconciliation? The impact on a young girl of this experience, the father urging her to silence, her feeling it was the only way to have her father's love and favour?
9. Steven as an ordinary man, relationship with his wife, the reasons for the seduction of his daughter, the lies, the -clash, his reaction to the news, coping, the lawyer, moving out of the house, the clash with Gail and the declaration of hatred, meeting her in the diner, the sessions with Dr Farley, his Amelia enough to apologise and affirm her?
10. Gail as the competent wife and mother,- home, clashes, her reactions to Amelia, her violent reaction to the teacher, the gradual realisation of the truth, reconciliation, telling Beth the truth? Her hatred for Steven? Meeting him, talking about their friends and divorce? Her not divorcing him? The sessions with Dr Farley - and her realisation of her contribution to Steven's alienation and going to their daughter?
11. Beth and the possibilities of repetition, young girl, her relationship with Amelia, her reaction to being bustled out of the house, being told the truth, her hurt reaction, dislike of her father, reconciliation?
12. The sketch of the sympathetic counsellor, the police, the counsellor at the Centre and her ability to get Amelia to talk about her experiences?
13. Dr Farley, his handling each member of the family, the group therapy?
14. The hopes of therapy with truth and love? Insights via emotional response, via the dramatising of situations?