US, 1987, 95 minutes, Colour.
Eric Stoltz, Leah Thompson, Mary Stuart Masterson, Craig Sheffer, Elias Koteas.
Directed by Howard Deutch.
Some Kind of Wonderful is a very attractive youth film written by John Hughes. In fact, it is a variation on his screenplay for Pretty in Pink. Hughes also wrote Sixteen Candles, The Breakfast Club, Fresh Horses - as well as a number of the National Lampoon comedies and Mr Mon. The film was directed by his associate Howard Deutsch, who also directed Pretty in Pink and The Great Outdoors, written by Hughes.
Erie Stoltz (Mask, Fly 2) is an attractive hero, a quiet artist attracted towards Leah Thompson, a girl from a poor family but who likes to mix with the wealthy. His best friend is the tomboy, played very effectively by Mary Stuart Masterson. (Stoltz plays the Molly Ringwald part of Pretty in Pink, Leah Thompson the Andrew McCarthy? part, Mary Stuart Masterson the Jon Crier part.)
The film shows families, adolescents, love and infatuation, careers, education. It is quite genial, and positive.
1. Attractive youth film? Youth hopes, relationships, pain and difficulties?
2. The town setting, families and homes, the school, jobs?
3. The musical score, the drums and the opening, the range of songs, Miss Amanda Jones?
4. The title and its references?
5. The interaction of the four central characters, introduced during the credits, issues?
6. The portrait of Keith: working in the garage, his father wanting him to go to college, searching all the papers for information? His privacy in his room, Laura invading it, the clash between brother and sister? His art and his skill? The meals and the family talk? His friendship with Watts? Sharing everything with her? Seeing Amanda and Hardy together, attracted towards her, talking with Watts? Arranging detention to be with her, and meeting Duncan and the boys - but sharing the art, Duncan carving, Keith drawing, a friendship? Rescuing Amanda from Hardy? Watts's advice? Asking for the date, Laura and the table talk, her overbearing Hardy talking and planning to fight Keith? Hardy coming to Keith and inviting him? The meetings with Amanda, proposing the date, offering her a lift home - and the car not working? His decision to take out his college money and buy the earrings? Knowing what was in store at the party but facing it? Getting dressed for the party? The clash with his father about the money, assertive - how appropriately? The date, Watts as chauffeur, enjoying the meal, going into the gallery with Duncan's help. the portrait of Amanda? The bowl and the gift of the earrings? Their argument, each using the other, the decision to go to Hardy's party, the confrontation, winning? Amanda returning the earrings, Keith realising his love for Watts? Portrait of a shy type, his feeling out of place with others, his not wanting to go to college, his future?
7. Watts as tomboy, hanging around the garage with Keith, playing her drums, no home life? Her love for Keith and his not realising it? Duncan and his calling her a lesbian? Her giving advice to Keith? At school, lending Keith the car? The talk with Ray and his liking her, her using him to make Keith jealous? Helping Keith buy the earrings? offering to be the chauffeur at the date, her reactions at the various stops, her dislike of Amanda, watching her, apologising? The happy ending?
8. Amanda, popular, her rich friends, glamour? Object of Keith's attentions? Hardy's girl yet his macho using of her? In public, at the service station? Keith rescuing her? Her acceptance of the date, talking with Shane? The lift home? The opportunities to call it off? Hardy's plan? Getting dressed, going out, Watts as chauffeur, her response to the meal, the portrait, the bowl and the gift of the earrings? Her reaction to Keith's talk about the plan, each using the other, her anger, the reconciliation? Going to the party, the confrontation with Hardy, slapping him? Giving Keith the earrings? Her confession about her background, wanting to be popular, being snubbed by the girls, her shame? Keith transforming her?
9. Hardy, the rich boy in school, using Amanda as an object, hurt by her breaking with him, acting tough, his rich friends? Threatening Amanda and Keith? The party, his throwing his weight around, Duncan's arrival and his backing down, humiliation, slapped?
10. Amanda's girlfriends, sharing interests, dropping her and snubbing her? Their talk about wealth, holidays, etc?
11. Keith's sisters, the youngest one with her concern about diet? Laura and her taunting him, with her friends at the restaurant, overhearing Hardy's plans? The reconciliation with Keith?
12. Duncan, his appearance, fighting, fighting, detention, art, his father and the museum, at the party with his friends, confronting Hardy?
13. The parents, the father and his concern about college, discussions at table, argument about the bank money, his going to school to discuss Keith's future, his reaction to Keith's art? His mother's support?
14. A film of families, youth, relationships? Strong values?