Australia, 1981, 90 minutes, Colour.
Simone Buchanan, Aileen Britton, Henry Szeps.
Directed by Peter Maxwell.
Run Rebecca Run is one of several films made by Independent Productions (producer Brendon Lunney) for family and, especially, children's audiences. This and several others (Platypus Cove, Flute Man) were written by Charles Stamp and most of the series directed by Peter Maxwell (The Highest Honour, Touch and Go).
The films have child stars, especially Simone Buchanan, in the central roles. Aileen Britton and Henry Szeps feature prominently in most of the films. Their stories are quite straightforward: the presentation of the characters and their situations, an adventure (reminiscent of old-time popular stories with their dangers and heroism) and the upstaging of the villains. This film has a particularly moralising ending as Rebecca actually goes to Parliament to plead the cause of an illegal migrant who has escaped from a South American dictatorship. (The films are fairly strong in their criticism of social injustice in the broad Australian community.)
Entertaining material for the intended audience.
1. An enjoyable film? For children? Adults? The story and characters designed for younger audiences and their interest and entertainment? The moralising ending?
2. The brief running time? Colour, music, the use of Sydney locations? Audiences identifying with the characters and the situations?
3. Title - expectations and fulfilment? The focus on Rebecca? Danger?
4. The use Sydney, suburbs, national park, the scenery, the river, the island? Their being well worked into the plot?
5. The presentation of Rebecca and her family: her home, parents, their work, pleasant, friends, the scouts, the competition, her taking photos, bikes? The importance of the character of her parrot, Fancy? (And Ross Higgins' comic voice?) Rebecca as knowing her own mind, decisive, resourceful, sharp-tongued? The experience that she underwent, saving herself, saving Manuel?
6. Rebecca on the river, becoming lost? Her parents' concern and the way this was portrayed? The police, the patrol, her cousin Andrew-and the helicopter? The effort and the expense to find Rebecca?
7. The island and Manuel's presence there? Henry Szeps' style - a persuasive South American migrant? His South American story, deserting the ship, hiding on the island, coping, food? The discovery of Rebecca? Holding her? Her attempts to escape and his foiling these attempts? Chases, the batteries, tying her up, the radio?
8. Her swimming and Manuel saving her? The snake? The bond growing between the two after the antagonism? Eating, sharing, songs and the guitar? Parrot? Rod, breaking the leg? The interaction between the two - especially Rebecca's sharp tongue?
9. The points made about South American migrants: governments, freedom? The contrast with Australia? Rebecca's harsh but generous attitudes? Her mellowing? Learning? Questions of language, culture? The appeal to Australian fairness?
10. The police? Their not telling? The Minister for Immigration? The presentation to Parliament? The credibility of Rebecca's speech and her plea?
11. The background of Parliament, the Speaker, the parliamentarians, the critics. the minister? The attitude towards immigration policy? Difficulties and resolution? The happy ending?
12. Themes of Australian life and style, the suburbs? Australian children, adults? Social issues? Australians trying to be honourable? An entertaining film - and Rebecca as a persuasive heroine?