US, 2002,105 minutes, Colour.
Campbell Scott, Jesse Eisenberg, Isabella Rosselini, Jennifer Beals, Elizabeth Berkeley.
Directed by Dylan Kidd.
Roger Dodger is a modern New York story, a focus on an advertising copywriter who fancies himself as a ladies' man and who can talk his way out of any situation. He is in a relationship with Isabella Rossellini but fancies himself as being able to pick up women at any time. Into his life comes his nephew, played by Jesse Eisenberg (The Emperors' Club) who is a naïve young man but believes everything his uncle tells him, especially about sex. He takes his nephew on a tour of New York, the clubs and restaurants, talking with women, encouraging his nephew to come onto the women, especially in a sequence with Jennifer Beals and Elizabeth Berkeley. He then takes him to a party. However, the teenage nephew is wiser than his uncle, realises that his uncle lives a shallow life, is embittered, is really disdainful of women and of himself.
1. A small-budget independent film, for the American audiences, worldwide?
2. The strength of the cast, their acting skills?
3. The New York settings, the world of business, apartments, bars and clubs? The musical score and the songs?
4. A film of conversation, argument, clever and smart wit, philosophising, justification of hedonism, ethical and moral issues?
5. The title and its nickname for Roger, the focus on him, his dodgy points of view and behaviour? First impressions as he dominated the conversation in the club? His apocalyptic style, discussion of male and female relationships, the need for sperm banks, the lack of need for men in the future? The group with him and their reactions, enjoying themselves, arguing against him? His self-presumption?
6. The change, his taxi ride, going to the apartment, the sexual relation with his boss, her wanting to break the liaison, the discussions about sexuality and relationships, dependence? His presumption, her comments on his adolescent behaviour? Seeing him at work, her not inviting him to the party, urging him to deal with his problems and grow up?
7. Nick arriving in the office, his mother's messages on Roger's answering machine, Nick meditating, his idolising of his uncle, the story about the interview at Columbia (and later the truth of his running away)? The story of his parents' separation, the funeral of his grandmother, his friendship with his grandfather, going to the house for meals, sharing the interest in the Internet and web pages? His theories about meditating and stress, meals, caffeine? Asking sexual advice of his uncle?
8. Roger and his advice, his principles about women in themselves, encountering them, sexuality, his theory and tactics? Nick ingenuous and nice? The setting up of the bet?
9. The sequence in the bar, as a place, their niche, the darkness, the approaching of the women, the women and their interest, hearing of the bet, not relating to Roger, the arrival of the second woman, the explanations, the sexual language and discussion? Nick's views and Roger's reactions? His ideas, going to the toilet, being ousted from the club, going to the park, the discussion about the first sexual encounters, Nick's reaction, their going to leave, the opportunity, Roger playing the bad cop, Nick letting the women go, the characters of the women, singles bars, their own experiences, reaction to men, to Nick, liking him, affirming his values rather than the macho style?
10. Going to the party, Roger failing, his encounter with his boss, being asked to leave? Setting Nick up with Donna, but Nick knowing she was drunk and taking care of her and leaving her?
11. Nick wanting to give up, Roger's decision to take him to the club, the prostitutes and the sleazy atmosphere, the clients? Nick and his choosing the girl, idealising her, Roger paying? Roger interrupting and taking Nick away?
12. The truth about Nick, Roger getting him to phone his mother? What had Nick learnt - for the future?
13. Roger going back home, looking for work in Ohio, with the boys at the school, their acne and extreme adolescent attitudes and being unaware of them? Roger's speech about dealing with women and their listening in awe? Roger getting the girl of their dreams to come over to Nick and ask him what was his statement for her - and the film ending as he opened his mouth?
14. A film about coming of age, Nick as 16, experience in contemporary America? For Roger the coming of middle age?
15. Themes of the relationship between men and women, understanding, appreciation? Singles, marriage, affairs, liaisons? Career and power? Society and class, parties and money, the superficial life, chat and gossip? The search for meaning?