US, 1990, 104 minutes, Colour.
Sylvester Stallone, Talia Shire, Burgess Meredith, Sage Stallone, Burt Young.
Directed by John G. Avildsen.
Rocky V begins with the final bout of Rocky IV and the immediate aftermath in the dressing room where it is discovered that Rocky is suffering some kind of brain trauma. He then retires, though challenged by an extraordinarily pushy promoter, George Washington Duke (played expertly by Richard Gant).
It seems also that Rocky's finances have been exploited by an unscrupulous accountant and so the family have to move back to the slums of Philadelphia, to their roots.
The main focus is on a young tough boxer from Oklahoma who is befriended by Rocky, and becomes a champion under Rocky's training. He then sells out to Duke. There is a subplot with Rocky's relationship to his young son (played well by Stallone's own son, Sage). The family themes and the boxing themes work quite well together till a final street fight between the young champion and Rocky. It is no secret who wins.
Talia Shire and Burt Young return. There is also a flashback sequence which enabled Burgess Meredith also to reappear. The music is by Bill Conti, the direction by John G. Avildsen, who won an Oscar for directing the first Rocky film. (Avildsen also edits his own films.)
During the final credits there is a very good stills collage of the whole five of the series.
1. Popularity of the series, over 14 years? The place of this fifth film?
2. The progress in Rocky's life, continuity? The clash in the Soviet Union? The return, Rocky and the family going to their origins? The fight up again? The final credits and the overview summary?
3. The Philadelphia settings, wealth, the tough neighbourhood? The choreography of the fights? Editing and collages? The musical score and the Rocky theme?
4. The importance of the editing, special effects, the credits, Rocky IV's bout in the opening, the collages, the pace and tension?
5. Rocky IV and the final bout, the immediate aftermath, the trauma, Adrienne's reaction? Going home, the press conference, his wanting to retire, the reaction of the press? Duke and his PR, pushing in and offering the challenge? Rocky's retirement, the newspaper reactions, his going to the doctors because of Adrienne, their advice about brain trauma?
6. The portrait of the family, the return home to the mansion, the relationship of Rocky to his son, to Adrienne and Paulie? The news about the money, the loss of wealth? Having to sell the mansion? The auction? His son's reaction?
7. Financial deals, the repercussions, Duke and his offering challenges?
8. The picture of the old neighbourhood, the family moving in and the people cheering? The son getting ready to go to school, support of his father, the multinational children, his being bashed, his being warned about scams? Tommy's arrival in the neighbourhood, background from Oklahoma, tough, the bouts at the training centre, his pleading with Rocky, brought home to dinner, living in the house, the long training, the collage of the training and the bouts, media attention, seeing him as Rocky's double, the fights, the wins, the achievement? The effect on Rocky? The effect on his son - ousted from his father's attention, the fight, the taking of the coat, the parallel of his training at the same time as Tommy? Going back to school, standing up for his rights, getting back the coat, making friends with the boys? The young girl and her friendship? The Christmas celebration, Paulie as Santa Claus, Robert and his defiance, sullenness, wearing the earring? Not talking to his father, going out with his friends?
9. Rocky's vicarious success through Tommy, Tommy and his contacts with Duke, the scam, Rocky having to learn, Tommy winning the championship - and giving no thanks to Rocky?
10. The sketch of Duke, his self-confidence, PR style, his entourage, pushy, the plans, watching Tommy's career, setting up the girlfriend, the glamour and the money, the deals and contracts, not bad-mouthing Rocky, coming at Christmas? The final fight, the press conference and the press not accepting Tommy as a genuine champion, his reaction, Tommy fighting Rocky, Duke threatening to Sue if he was hit, his being knocked out?
11. The sketch of Tommy, tough background, his hopes, career, anger with his father? Persuading Rocky and Paulie, pleading, the training, winning? The girl and his attachment, the money, the car? The deals? Becoming champion, angry at the press conference, wanting to fight Rocky, attacking Paulie? The street fight, his brutality, losing?
12. Mickey and the memories of the earlier films, his training of Rocky, his philosophies, Rocky remembering in the gymnasium, Mickey and the bout, his words of wisdom? His appearing during the final fight, encouraging Rocky?
13. Paulie and his place in the family, his ignorance about the money and their losing it? Continually supporting Rocky, the family, Adrienne and the boy? His self-consciousness as Santa Claus? His being attacked at the end, standing back for the fight?
14. Adrienne, the changes in her life, her suffering with Rocky, concern about his health? Antagonism towards Duke? Love for her son, the moving out of the mansion, going to work where she started? Pleading with Rocky, seeing him alienate his son? Urging Rocky to talk to his son?
15. Rocky and the reconciliation with his son, talking things over, looking at his drawings again, the final gift of the cufflink, the gift from Mickey which he had offered to Tommy?
16. The build-up to the finale, the bar, the challenge, the TV? The bare-knuckle fight?
17. The final credits and the summary of Rocky's career?
18. Rocky and his place in the American consciousness? In world consciousness? An archetype of the ordinary man who can be a success?