US, 1966, 126 minutes, Colour.
Carl Reiner, Alan Arkin, Brian Keith, Eva Marie Saint, John Philip Law, Jonathan Winters, Paul Ford.
Directed by Norman Jewison.
The Russians Are Coming, The Russians Are Coming, was very popular in the mid-60's in the aftermath of the nuclear scares of the early 60's. Alan Arkin received an Oscar nomination. Although the theme and treatment seem somewhat dated, the humour and satire are enjoyable as well as a telling comment on international relations. Director Norman Jewison went on to make such successes as In The Heat of the Night, Fiddler on the Roof, Jesus Christ Superstar and Rollerball.
1. The significance and tone of the title, indications of comedy and satire? How were these fulfilled?
2. This satire in the mid-60's, does it have impact now? Comment on the atmosphere of Russian- American relations and suspicions, The moralising about cold war attitudes, and the humanising of these attitudes? How successful is laughter a way of coping with the tensions?
3. The use of colour, Panavision? The creation of the atmosphere of the island? The land in the sea? The towns with their streets and houses, people at their work, an isolated community living close together? The importance of this atmosphere for the themes of the film?
4. Comment on the situation itself as real and/or fictitious? As symbolic for cold war conventions?
5. The portrayal of the Americans? How humorous and satirical, how realistic? Typical Americans - especially the Whittacker family, detail of each person, style of life, their ordinary American attitudes being questioned? Their co-operation with the Russians? The message behind the presentation of the Whittackers?
6. Contrast with the Russians? How typical, realistic? Americans expectations of Russians? The captain and his decisions? Portrayal of the men and their life on the ship? Their plight and situation in landing in America and their handling of this situation?
7. Rozanov - as a hero for the film. an ordinary man, a nice Russian? The qualities of his character, his sense of duty, his kindness. helping the Americans to learn, the message behind this particular portrayal? Alan Arkin's skill in a comic performance, with humanity?
8. Kolchin - the young and romantic Russian. the ordinary romantic human being?
9. How much did the film make of the characters of the town, in terms of characterisation. comedy, satire, response to the Russians? Mattocks and his handling of the police and the situation? Jonas and his reaction? The postmistress, telephone operators, older people?
10. The atmosphere of sudden panic based on insufficient fact? Repercussion on people and their feelings?
11. The satire on Hawkins and his patriotism? The foolishness of jingoistic patriotism? Its getting in the way? The hard repercussions of foolishness?
12. The importance of humour. e.g. with the postmistress, drink. farcical elements? The qualities of the film as comedy. satire? The whole invasion and the crisis?
13. How much can be learnt and appreciated through this comedy?