US, 1981, 91 minutes, Colour.
Dirk Benedict, Ben Johnson, Linda Blair, Richard Farnsworth, Matt Clark.
Directed by Max Leven.
Ruckus is one of the many stories of veterans back from Vietnam and the repercussions on them and their avenging themselves on society. This story, set in the redneck South, is reminiscent of First Blood. Kyle is a minor Rambo. (This film was made at much the same time as First Blood.)
The film shows a suspicious and bullying society. it shows an older generation grieving for dead loved ones. It also shows the violence and suspicion inherent in a society - and the delight of the come-uppance of this kind of society. Getting it out of one's system and the love of a good woman seem to be the message on the road to sanity and rehabilitation for the veteran. Dirk Benedict (Battlestar Galactica, The A Team) enjoys himself with the stunt work. Linda Blair is the heroine. Ben Johnson is the grieving father. Richard Farnsworth is the wise sheriff. Matt Clark one of the victims of Kyle.
One of those action features, full of stunt work that entertains the broad audience.
1. A ruckus and raucous entertainment? Comedy? Underlying serious tone? A piece of Americana? The South, the Vietnam war, the veterans?
2. Small budget: southern location, photography, stunt work and action? Jaunty score?
3. The title and its reference to Kyle and his impact on the town? The visual style and action to support the ruckus theme?
4. The film's comment on American involvement in the Vietnam war, the veteran and his psychological health, institutions, memories of the war, needing to get the war out of his system? The grief of parents and wives with sons and husbands dead? The reaction of the people who didn't go to war - suspicion, misunderstandings? The need for some kind of understanding of the veterans?
5. Kyle as a wanderer, his not speaking, the raw hamburger, the mud on his face? Mr. Bellows and his questions and his refusal to answer? The reaction of Bellows, of the police? Of the men in the town? Chasing him, ridiculing him, his violence and martial arts against them? The refuge with Jenny, his being normal with her? Talking normally. reacting normally? His washing. change of clothes? His enjoying her company. the motor-bike ride and stunts? Mr. Bellows and his wariness, the men and their suspicions, the chases, the police? His outwitting them? The final reconciliation and happy ending? A broad look at a Vietnam veteran and his troubles, institutionalisation, release, being released from his traumas?
6. Mr Bellows and his grief, his interrogating Kyle? Pursuing him? Within the law? Jenny and her relationship to Bellows, her baby? Observing Kyle, welcoming him into her home, fears, friendship, the bike rides, support, falling in love? Lyrical and romantic sequences?
7. The sheriff and his benign attitude, handling the situation?
8. The raucous men of the town, buddies, banding together, suspicions, chases, violence? The knockabout farce style? Cars wrecked, exploding? The police and their inability to manage?
9. A country road film with serious undertones?