US, 1989, 100 minutes, Colour.
Dolph Lundgren, M.Emmett Walsh, T.P.McKenna
Directed by Joseph Zito.
Red Scorpion is an action thriller designed to capitalise on its musclebound star, Dolph Lundgren (Rocky's Soviet opponent in Rocky IV, Masters of the Universe). It was directed by Joseph Zito, director of the first Missing in Action film with Chuck Norris.
Lundgren is a presence rather than an actor. The film is not strong on the glasnost attitudes between America and the Soviet Union in the later '80s. This is an attack on the Soviet Union, their influence in Africa, their ruthlessness. For a while the film looks as if it is a variation on Tarzan and The Gods Must Be Crazy as the hero lives with the Bushmen in Africa. However, it soon turns into an explosive Rambo.
1. Popular action thriller? American gung-ho? The touch of Tarzan? The finale as Rambo?
2. Africa, the action, stunts and special effects, editing and pace, rousing score?
3. American-Soviet? relationships? the clash? Russian influence in Africa? Becoming neutral and the hopes of the African nations?
4. Dolph Lundgren and his presence on-screen, acting ability? Nikolai as the Russian machine and special agent? The interview with the general, his mission in Africa, pretending to be drunk, the brawl in the bar, going to prison, ingratiating himself with the African chief, meeting the journalist, their escape? Travelling through the desert? Seeing the effect of the Soviet massacres? The village, his wanting to kill the African leader, his being outwitted and ousted? His being taken by the Russians, tortured by the Cuban?- His reaction and escape? Meeting the Bushmen after being bitten by the scorpions? His being revived, with the Bushmen, learning how to hunt the boar? The initiation ceremony, the scorpion on his chest? Throwing away his Russian identity medals? The final attack on the village, saving the Africans? The explosive Rambo hero? The final confrontation with the general and his death?
5. The portrait of the Russians, the general, their attitudes towards Africa, massacring villagers, torturing Kkolai, the final attack?
6. The Africans, the dignity of their leader, in prison, the attempted assassination of the leadership? The people, their suffering, fighting?
7. The Bushmen, their being at home, visible and invisible, saving Nikolai from the scorpions, training, hunting, amused, the initiation?
8. The popularity in the '80s of this kind of slambang heroics and politics?