Australia, 1988, 50 minutes, Colour.
Bill Kerr.
Directed by Stephen Wallace.
General Gordon Bennett was one of Willesee's Australians. The Australian Commander in Malaya in 1941, he clashed with the British General, experienced the invasion of the Japanese (so many on bicycle) and the surrounding of his troops. He chose to escape to Australia to warn about Japanese tactics rather than stay with his troops. He knew the risk that he was taking.. The framework of the film is 1945 and his going to the wharves in Sydney to see his men - and the worry about whether he would be accepted.
There was controversy about his stance - even though his rival General Blamey did the same in Crete. He spent most of the war in bitterness and obscurity. However, ultimately he was vindicated.
Bill Kerr gives a strong performance as Bennett. Direction is by Steven Wallace (Love Letters from Teralba Road, Stir, Mail Order Bride, For Love Alone). The screenplay was written by John Misto.
1. The impact of Willesee's Australians? A Bicentenary project? Highlighting Australian characters and spirit? General Bennett as one of Willesee's Australians?
2. The re-creation of the '40s: the Sydney wharves, Malaya, the battles in Malaya, Singapore and its siege? Musical score and atmosphere?
3. The focus on General Bennett? Audience knowledge of him? Of Australian troops in Malaya-and Singapore? Of the defeat of Singapore, the imprisonment in Changi? Attitudes towards Generals staying with their troops?
4. The portrait of General Bennett: Bill Kerr's presence and style, the framework of his uncertainty about his troops welcoming him? His relationship with his wife and communications with her during the war? A young General, his clash with the British, his driving his men hard, drilling them? His disdain of British tactics? His appreciation of the Japanese? His relationship with his troops, friendship with Walker? The experience of 1941-42? Headquarters, strategies, the Japanese on bicycles, the bombings? The morale-boosting and his disagreement? The clash with the General? The message to Churchill? The capture of the troops? His decision to go - the support of Walker, the criticisms of his officers? His return to Australia, disgrace and bitterness? His vindication? In retrospect?
5. The portrait of Australian soldiers at war, their drill, their stamina (and the parade with the man being sick)? There camaraderie, in the field, waiting for the Japanese in ambush, their talking about Singapore (and the sixpenny girls - and the Catholic refusing, and his being dead in a minute)? The hospital and the care of the sick, the Japanese and their massacring of the patients and nurses? The experience in Changi? Their return?
6. The officers, both British and Australian, strategy, morale, information and orders from England? The newsreels and the reaction of the British, of the Australians? The attitude towards the Japanese? Walker and his escape?
7. The picture of the Japanese, their invasion, the bike-riding, the massacres in the hospital? The background of Changi?
8. Memoir of World War II? A vivid re-creation of the period? Assessment of the period and the personalities?