US, 2000, 90 minutes
James Marsden, Lena Headey, Norman Reedus, Kate Hudson, Joshua Jackson, Eric Bogosian, James Edward Olmos.
Directed by Davis Guggenheim
Looking at the trailer (and remembering that the trailer is advertising and not necessarily a true reflection of the film), I thought this film was going to be yet another of those American campus sex comedy-dramas, sometimes but more often crass, that too regularly turn up on the screen. Superficially, it does look a bit like that, but there is much
more to it.
It does raise moral issues.
One of the complaints about morality today is that we don't consider seriously enough the consequences of our actions. We act on whims. We are sometimes self-righteously aggressive. Sometimes we are malicious, especially in what we say about others, spreading the worst about them, innuendo, suggestions and lies.
But what are the consequences for the victims of our actions? the consequences for ourselves?
That is what Gossip is about. At what looks like a very comfortable and affluent New York college, media students are in discussions about information, news and entertainment. The smartest of them, Derrick, suggests that everything is merely, entertaining gossip. He and his friends decide to start at rumour and follow its progress (and enlargement). They hesitate only for a moments, rationalise what they are going to do and then agree to spread a sex scandal story. Of course, it spreads like wildfire.
But then the unanticipated consequences get out of hand and the film becomes a melodrama, a tangle of truth and lies, of attempts to rectify the situation, deceits and betrayals. You might guess what happens at the end, but you are kept wondering whether you are right or not.
Kathy Jones (Britain's Lena Heady) is dismayed at what she sees and wants to stop the harm she has done but is not
believed. Travis (Norman Reedus), who is chronicling the whole process in elaborate multimedia art forms, sits on the fence. Derrick (James Marsden), the charismatic leader of the group becomes more and more implicated and has to continually justify himself.
The film is not meant to be a piece of credible realism. The look of the college, the apartments, the affluence of the
characters all create a heightened atmosphere. The plotting with its coincidences and elaborate set-up for the solution belong more to the murder mystery. But, the intensity of the actors and the repercussions of the gossip keep us watching.
Gossip also takes its target audience (young people the same age as the film's characters) into the worlds of student
clubbing and drinking as well as of academia, sets up its gossip situation and then turns into a moral fable to make its audience react emotionally to situations they have probably encountered and to think about the their implications.
Gossip is not one of the great films of the year but it reminds us that cinema is able to combine entertainment and
raising moral issues through storytelling.
1. The title, the role of gossip, seeing gossip in action, the methods of its being passed on, people relishing gossip, the analysis in the lectures on communications about gossip? The theoretical aspects, the practical applications, violent consequences?
2. The university campus, contemporary America, young people, apartments, flash dwellings, the lecture rooms? The background of New England and affluent society? The musical score?
3. The structure of the film: the focus on the initial characters, their being judged good or bad, their personal agenda, the attitude towards Naomi Peterson, towards Beau? The decision to concoct the rumours, spread them, watch their being spread and relished? The consequences when the gossip began to get out of hand, Jonesy, Derrick, Travis? The university officials? The psychodrama of the resolution? Derrick's confession?
4. The young stars, their screen presence, with the veteran actors?
5. Naomi Preston as the focus of the gossip, at the university, her friends, lifestyle? Parties, Beau as a boyfriend? The drinking, the sexual encounter, her passing out, his coming downstairs, being interrogated, being non-committal in his answers to give a different impression? The aftermath, the spreading of the gossip, the attitude of Naomi, the information about her passing out and the possibility of rape, discussing with her friend, coming to believe that Beau had raped her? Her confronting him? Her going to the authorities, their taking her seriously? The revelation that she had known Derrick, Jonesy going to the school, seeing the magazine, asking the staff? Derrick and his going to Naomi, the memories of the past, his hatred towards her, the possibility that he had raped her? His blaming her for ruining his life? The visits by Jonesy, the discussions, her gradually realising the truth? The report of her suicide, people's reaction? Her appearing at the end, part of the psychodrama to force Derrick to confess? The reconciliation with Beau?
6. Derrick, charming, everybody liking him, his apartment and its lavish style, having Travis and Kathy as roommates? His relationship with Kathy? Classes, the professor, his smart answers, the antagonism with the professor? His supporting Travis, Travis's eccentricities, his art, his project and photography and focusing on a room dedicated to Naomi? Derrick and the rumours, spreading them? Jonesy's reaction, his using devices to keep her on-side, his dominating Travis? In class, the professor and the further antagonism? The encounter with Beau and the fight, his own injuries? Going to Naomi, her scratching him? The revelation of the truth, his raping of Naomi? His having to leave the town, the antagonism of his parents, the elaborate plan to ruin her? The news of her suicide, the authorities, the arrival of the police and the search and interrogations? His devices to get out of being blamed, blaming Kathy, blaming Travis, showing the police his room? The revelation that it was all a drama to make him confess, his having confessed on video? His downfall and everybody arriving to confront him after his final confession?
7. Kathy Jones, her relationship with Derrick, her antagonism towards Naomi, the rumours of her relationship with the professor? Her going along with the gossip, spreading it, enjoying people reacting to it? Her realising it was going too far, her trying to change, arguing with Derrick, her desperation, drinking, Travis? In class? Her interrogating Derrick, suspecting the truth, the visits to Naomi and the discussions with her? Going to the school, the year book, seeing the photos, getting the information? Her return? Her being the moving force behind the psychodrama? Her playing along, Derrick and the gun, her being shot? Her standing up again and confronting him?
8. Travis, eccentric, roommate, dependent on Derrick, friends with Jonesy? Contributing to the gossip? The elaborate building of his shrine to Naomi? His believing Travis, Travis then betraying him, urging the police to examine him, downplaying his work, insulting him, that he was mad? Travis and his part in the psychodrama?
9. Beau, the relationship with Naomi, the rumours, the repercussions for him, Naomi and her hostility, the accusations of rape, the university authorities? The fight with Derrick? His role in the psychodrama?
10. The students, friends, Naomi's support, the others who gossiped and relished it?
11. The professor, communications, his theories, attitude towards Derrick? Jonesy? The rumours? His using his communications equipment for the video? The university officials, their listening to Naomi, the charges, her uncle and the political pressure?
12. Naomi's friends, the worker pretending to be the police officer, his staff, the confrontations with Derrick, the search, the revelation of who they were?
13. The film as a fable for younger audiences about lying, envy, gossip and its methods, its destructive power? The need ultimately for confession and admission of guilt, reconciliation and the restoring of order?