Australia, 1985, 90 minutes, Colour.
Judy Morris, Michael Atkins.
Directed by Sophia Turkewicz.
Time's Raging is one of several telemovies commissioned by the Australian Broadcasting Corporation for 1985. It is a contemporary story about marriage and its breakdown, the clashes between men and women, careers.
It is based on Frank Moorhouse's Futility and Other Animals. Moorhouse and the director Sophia Turkiewicz (Letters from Poland, Silver City) wrote the screenplay. They are very well served by Michael Aitkens and Judy Morris in the central roles.
Moorhouse is a well-respected short story writer and novelist. His work in film includes narrating and writing The Disappearance of Azaria Chamberlain, a reflection on the myths underlying the Australian response to this case. He also collaborated with director Dusan Makajayev on The Coca Cola Kid.
The film is wittily written, has strong performances, raises questions of Australian values especially in terms of career, relationships, marriage and family.
1. An entertaining and interesting telemovie on contemporary people and contemporary issues?
2. The work of Frank Moorhouse, his delineation of character, sardonic observations, wit? Sophia Turkiewicz and her human films? An effective collaboration and adaptation?
3. The use of Sydney locations, the urban atmosphere: homes, airports, restaurants, workplaces?
4. The title and the irony of the passing of time, change, age, hopes and regrets? Time itself raging on and passing?
5. The screenplay devices: Lauren and her work, Cam ringing from New York, the situation of the broken marriage, the passing of the years, the flashbacks to their meeting, the building up to the present, the explanation of the crises, the repetitions of the crises, indications for the future?
6. The portrait of Lauren: seeing her with her family, her relationship with her parents, their stories about the older generation the photos? Traditional? Her meeting with Cam, being charmed by him, his stories? Their marriage and its basis? His career and journalism, her career and the law? Love, sharing? Lauren and her age, her desire to have a child? Cam's reaction to the possibility of children, his refusal? His buying her the dog, her reaction, her attachment to the dog, its being put down? Her career and coping? His telling her the truth about Margaret, the children? Her being hurt, the clash, turning him away? Her decision to live alone? The chance meeting with Margaret, the failure of the relationship with Cam, the discussion of the children? Her work with David, establishing the relationship, the affair? Her friendship with Jane, her advice? The passing of time, David and the affair, the possibility of a child? The build-up to Cam's return, her going to meet him, putting off David, his embarrassing turning up? The hearing and Cam's accountability to the Press Council, her working as his lawyer, support? Hopes, his changing? The irony of her becoming pregnant - and his backing out? The future of the middle-aged woman, her age, career, motherhood?
7. Cam as the Australian male, type? The encounter with Lauren and falling in love? His enjoyment of his mates' company, especially in the pubs, the stories? His talk, covering wars, his experience, success as a journalist? His love for Lauren? His talk, going to Melbourne, taking Margaret, telling the truth? His refusal to have a child, opting out of the marriage, beginning his affair? Moving to New York? His ringing, wanting to come home, his enjoyment of New York but feeling homesick, feeling Australia was too small for him, its limits? The reunion with Lauren? The friendship with Jane, with Jimmy - and the clash with Jimmy about the Press Council? The hearing, his being found guilty? His disgust with Jimmy? The possibility of a future with Lauren, the pregnancy, his preferring to be a wanderer? A sketch of the Australian male?
8. Jane and the comparisons with Lauren, her marriage, child, study? Her support and listening? Jimmy and his ambitions, work, the unions, the Press Council, the clash with Cam, the reconciliation?
9. Margaret and her television background, the children, leaving her husband for Cam, the affair,' its failure, the discussion with Lauren?
10. David and his work, a nice young man, the affair, the age difference, companionship and work, home, the friendship with Ros? His disappointment in being put off by Lauren, his visit, being drunk? Going to Bali with Ros?
11. A glimpse of Australian society, careers and pressures, relationships, self-esteem, commitment, breakdown of relationships?
12. A focus on journalists, their lifestyle, the pressures, ambitions? The Press Council - and the accountability of printing secret material?
13. The film's wit, accuracy, authenticity, insight?