US, 1953, 95 minutes, Colour.
Guy Madison, Vera Miles, Helen Westcott, Dick Wesson, Neville Brand, Steve Brodie.
Directed by Gordon Douglas.
Of interest as one of the more polished films made in 3D. Directed by Gordon Douglas, a veteran director of action films over many decades, the film had the usual Western ingredients but presented in a vivid way for the three-dimension technique. Guy Madison, popular hero at the time, leads a standard Warner Bros cast. Vera Miles is one of her earliest films as an Indian girl.
1 . The film seen within the traditions of the Hollywood Western? Its quality in comparison with this tradition? How enjoyable, interesting, fair to the white, to the Indian? Picturing their clash and the American heritage?
2. The film was mads tor three dimensional projection. Is this obvious? The particular devices of objects being thrown and the effect in three dimensions? Colour, location photography, musical score? (And the comic score whenever colour appeared?)
3. The conventions of the Western centred on the military fort, the military way of life? the Commando, the special mission to the Indians the inhabitants being massacred, the cavalry riding to the rescue at the end?
4. The Western tradition of a hero sent on a mission? Miles Archer and his background during the Civil War, his settling in the west after an engineering training, his capacity for leadership, his knowledge of the Indians, his skills in dealing with them, coping with difficulties? His refusal of the mission, the motivation to go on it because of Johnny’s handling of the whole situation and the squabbling men? The skill in rescuing the two girls from the Indian camp? His leading the men back to safety despite the many difficulties? His falling in love with Anne? Conventional material - how well and interestingly acted?
3. The theme of red man versus white man? The taken for granted attitudes about white and red hostility? Indian wars, the coming of the railroad? The background of white women being captured and living in Indian camps and the repercussions on them - assimilation, revulsion? The urgency of a rescue mission? The attitudes of Johnny and his hostility towards the Indians? Anne and her living with this - fear of her reputation amongst the women on her return? The contrast with Jenny and her assimilation of Indian ways, her being engaged to the Chief? The hostile attitude of the screenplay towards Jenny, her wanting to betray the group and the violence of her death?
6. The presentation of the group of men on the mission - the visualising of their punishment and the causes of their punishment? Baker and his jealousy towards Ryan making advances on his wife and their hostility throughout the mission? Johnson, Cullen and his stealing, the man with the drink? The various hostilities between the men and their wanting to escape, their deaths? Their heroism in the occasion? Scaling the cliffs etc.? Baker's heroism and his getting the cavalry after Ryan’s death?
7. The portrayal of the Indians and their way of life - how sympathetically, realistically?
8. The patterns of the film with the Indians stalking the group? Attacks, snipers, the lack of water, the sealing of the cliff, Feather River and the charge? The capacity for survival? The violence of the charge and many deaths? The cavalry arriving?
9. The traditional picture of the 19th century heritage of America and the West and its influence in the 20th century?