US, 1978, 104 minutes, Colour.
Ken Berry, Sandy Duncan, Harry Morgan, Roddy Mc Dowell, William Prince, Alan Young, Hans Conreid.
Directed by Norman Tokar.
Typical Disney material of the late seventies - a take-off from 'Close Encounters of the Third Kind'. Advertising called it A Close Encounter of the Furred Kind. It uses the background of interest in outer space and flying saucers - with the irony of the alien pilot being a cat. The plot is enjoyable and has the added spice of spies with a bumbling Roddy Mc Dowall. However, the special effects are the main things - which The Cat from Outer Space is able to achieve by a powerful collar. There is a good plane and helicopter chase at the end. Vintage Disney material and reflecting the audience enjoyment of the seventies.
1. An enjoyable Disney film? The Disney formula for entertainment drama, espionage, comedy, animals? How good was the blend?
2. The themes reflecting the interests of the seventies, Close Encounters of the Third Kind? how comic a treatment of space themes, how sophisticated the presentation for Disney comedy?
3. The importance of the special effects for delight, for comedy?
4. The background of UFOs, interest in the exploration of space, aliens? Audience sympathy for this? The presentation of the American military and their attitude? The irony of the alien being a cat with an American accent?
5. The film relying for its success on the cat? his name, humanizing him, his extraterrestrial powers? His becoming Jake and much more American? his presence at the meeting, using his powers to open doors? Interest in Frank, the comedy with Link, the attraction towards Liz and her cat? His altering the horse race, the goal-kicking, the pool game? helping Frank fix the space ship? The comedy routines with Link? His heroism at the end? How well did the film create a personality for the cat - making him the hero and audiences identifying with him?
6. Frank as the human hero in comparison? The genial scientist, heroics, amiable, attraction towards Liz, the comedy with Link, experiencing the cat's power especially in levitation. escaping with the jeep etc.?
7. How well integrated were the spies themes - the clumsy spy and his photographing, Mr. Olympus and his plans?
8. The particularly American tone of the film - high level meetings, scientists, computers, the generals? The satire on these?
9. How well executed were the raids, the use of the power to freeze pursuers, the final chase and gymnastics?
10. The comedy in the pool room and the betting?
11. The very American ending and Jake becoming an American citizen? Disney niceness? Themes of good and bad? Popular themes on a popular level?