UK, 1963, 91 minutes, Black and white.
Peter Finch, Rita Tushingham, Lynn Redgrave.
Directed by Desmond Davis.
The Girl With Green Eyes was written for the screen by novelist Edna O'Brien from her novel 'The Lonely Girl'. It focuses on Kate Brady, a girl from the country and from a convent school who, in Dublin, becomes infatuated with an older man. Rita Tushingham, early in her career, is most effective as Kate. Peter Finch gives a sympathetic performance as Eugene. In the supporting cast is a very young Lynn Redgrave as Kate's girlfriend Baba. The film focuses on a young sheltered girl, romantic ideals, reality. It is put in the setting of the '50s and '60s.
In the '80s, there was a remake of much of this material and the inclusion of a great deal of Edna O'Brien's 'The Country Girls' tracing the story of the two girls in their school. It was released as The Country Girls - with Sam Neill in the Peter Finch role.
Both films are worth seeing as dramatisations of Edna O'Brien's perceptions of Ireland. Direction of both was by Desmond Davis.
1. An enjoyable and interesting film? Portrait of a young girl?
2. Black and white photography, Ireland in the '60s, the use of Dublin locations, the countryside? The musical score and its plaintive tones?
3. The title and the focus on Kate? Audience sympathy towards her? Rita Tushingham performance? The credibility of the story - conventional yet presented with freshness?
4. The portrait of Kate Brady: Rita Tushingham's waif-like presence, her growing sophistication in the affair? Her background, family, convent school? Her Catholicism - and her belief in God, going to Mass, forgiveness? Her boarding with Baba, their getting ready to go out with the boys? The chance encounter with Eugene? her immediate infatuation? In the flat, at work - the ordinariness of her life? The letter to Eugene? His coming to see her, tea together? The growing number of meetings? Falling in love? Her going to his home? The beginning of the affair? Her choice? His role - seductive or not? The importance of the relationship? Her enjoyment of his company? Tensions - in the house, his going for a walk, her going to Mass? The arrival of her father and family? Their pressure? her going back home? The severe tones of the parish priest? The contrast she made between her behaviour and their drinking and the men being let off because they needed a drink? Her running away? Her going back to Eugene? The tension between the two? The background to her decision, her presuming him free, the discovery of his wife, his being a divorced? The discovery that he had a daughter? A married man In Ireland of the '60s? The possibility of a divorce? The possibility of her marrying him? The friendship of Baba and her support? The build-up to the living with him? The visit of Malachi and his wife and her feeling out of place? The arrival of her father and his family, Josie taking the gun to them? Her decision to move away, going to England? The importance of the aftermath - and her voice-over comment about the effect of the experience on her, her going to work, her meeting other boys? A rounded presentation of a character from real life?
5. Peter Finch's style and presence as Eugene? The initial encounter with Kate? The dog? His not taking much notice of her? Baba and her pushing herself forward? Kate's letter and his coming, the discussion about books, having tea? The growing number of meetings -the lyrical presentation of their falling in love, outings, walks, talking together? At home, Josie? The beginning of the affair? The impact on Kate? On himself? Her reaction and running away at the news of his wife? His making a move, telephoning, explaining the situation to her? The living together? His taking her to Mass and the discussion about God and his not being able to understand her religious devotion? The impact of her father and the family arriving, their intruding into the house, Kate under the bed, Josie firing the shot? The friendship with Malachi and the discussion about common Interests, Kate being left out? The break? Its effect? Baba going to talk with him - and his thinking it better that the affair end?
6. Baba and her sharing the experience of growing up with Kate, coming to the city, sharing the flat, working? Socialising? her chatter? Pushiness with people, talking to Eugene? Support of Kate in her troubles?
7. The sketch of Irish men, their religious standards, moral standards? Their taking the law into their own hands in getting Kate back home, drinking on the train, laying down the law to her? The parish priest and the religious and moral stance? Their intruding into the house?
8. Josie and her serving Eugene, approval or disapproval of the relationship? Handling the tense situation?
9. Malachi and his friendship? Sardonic, in contact with Eugene's wife? The visit with his wife, their excluding Kate?
10. A portrait of Ireland in the '60s, social background, relationships, morality, Catholicism, and strict standards? Breaking these? Adultery, divorce? An exploration of problems and questions of relationships in this context?