UK, 1982, 188 minutes, Colour.
Ben Kingsley, Candice Bergen, Edward Fox, John Gielgud, Trevor Howard, John Mills, Martin Sheen, Roshan Seth.
Directed by Richard Attenborough.
Producer-director, Richard Attenborough planned his epic on the life and death of Mahatma Gandhi for twenty years, eventually releasing it in 1982 where it went on to win Oscar for Best Film as well as Oscars for Attenborough himself as director and for the star, Ben Kingsley. Attenborough already had a long career as an actor and had begun to direct, frequently on a large scale with films like Young Winston and A Bridge too far. He went on to direct, amongst others, Cry Freedom, A Chorus Line and Shadowlands. Ben Kingsley went on to a long and successful career as a star and character actor.
The screenplay by John Briley (Cry Freedom, Molokai) encompasses Gandhi's adult life, filling in the background of South Africa, Gandhi's time in England but, focussing on his campaigns against the British in India in the 1930s and 1940s and his assassination. This was the subject of a Hollywood drama in the 1960s, Nine Hours to Rama. Many films from India since the 1980s have tackled the subject of the partition between India and Pakistan and the forced repatriation of Hindus from Pakistan and Muslims from India. It is a tribute to Gandhi and his colleagues that, despite antagonism, both political and religious and the fear of war as India and Pakistan became nuclear powers, both nations have held their disparate people together and that India has survived more than half a century as one of the largest united nations on earth.
The sweep of the movie is one of grandeur, in its visualising of India and its people, in its beauty of landscapes, in its portrayal of heroism and the nobility of the human spirit. The running time is long. The movie is filled with prestigious British stars like Laurence Olivier and John Gielgud. It is a fine example of serious themes being enhanced by ambitious moviemaking.
1. The impact of the film? Awards? The nobility of its aim? Richard Attenborough's dedication to his work, perspective on history both British and Indian, tribute to Gandhi? The production values? Scope of the film: biography and epic? Its length?
2. The quality of entertainment: absorption in the character and themes, edification, message? Relevance of Gandhi to the 20th century, issues, India? To the present?
3. The technical qualities: scope and length, colour photography, location photography, crowd scenes and intimate scenes? Atmosphere of South Africa? India: city, country, period? The contrast between British style, Anglo-Indian? and Indian peasant style? Pageantry and spectacle, tableaux? Domestic sequences? Action? The qualities of editing - pace, drama? The contribution of the musical score - moods? Indian music and style? Western music and style? Blends?
4. The performance of Ben Kingsley: preparation and background, embodying Gandhi, the age range, the range of emotions and experience? The contribution of the Indian cast to authenticity? The British and American stars for western audiences and cinema identification?
5. The introduction and Richard Attenborough's limits to exploring Gandhi: the film not able to encompass the whole life of a man, some years having to be omitted and different weight being given to various years. the possibility of going to the heart of a man? The screenplay and the selection of events? The skill in character-drawing: interior drive? The overview of Gandhi's character: education. South African experience, social influence, responsibility, growth in awareness,' religion, politics, philosophy, non-violent stances, publicity leading to events, prison. the war experience, success? The real contradictions in India at the time of his death? His heritage?
6. The flashback effect of the whole film framed by his assassination? The initial impact of the assassination, three hours' experience of the life and message of Gandhi and the repetition of the assassination and its effect? Initial information, invitation to emotional response, final understanding?
7. India itself as a character in the film: the use of visuals, beauty, squalor? The range of Indian scenery, locations? The impact of India visualised for an Indian audience and the Indian view? To western audiences? The heritage of India. its culture and religion? Two hundred years of British rule? Presuppositions by the British, the humiliation of the Indians? Abuse in treatment, violence? Civil rights and desperation? The surge of rebellion? Hindu traditions, Muslim traditions? The minor role of Christianity? Death and violence, terrorism - rebellious Indian terrorism and official British terrorism? The transition to the 20th century and India's place in the world? Greater education? India in the Empire? The Anglo-Indians? The wealthy aristocracy? World War One and World War Two? Demonstrations, negotiations? The desire for the withdrawal of the British - even to walking out and for India to be left to treat its own problems? The film's invitation to understand the Indian situation? The Indian mentality and the contrast between East and West? The pragmatism of the West, cause and effect and reasons compared with the religious spirit and 'mysticism' of the East?
8. The importance of Gandhi for the West: his training, place in history, admiration, presuppositions? Highlighting the arrogance of the British Empire and its exploitation? The possibility of change of heart -repentance? His politics, religion? The blending of the major religious traditions? The cult of his personality? His impact on a large nation? The West understanding the role of the British Empire, white supremacy and arrogance and the criticism of British fair play? Yet the British leaving as friends? Indian-West? relationships since 1947-48?
9. The impact of the prologue: the quiet beauty of India and the initial caption about the heart of Gandhi and the transition to the assassination and its violence, the funeral and the massed crowds, the radio commentators highlighting the significance of Gandhi? The end with the repetition of this assassination sequence, the blackness on the screen and Gandhi's words: "Oh God"? The pyre? His ashes committed to the sea? The repetition of his words about tyrants having been in every age of history and their seeming ascendance but truth and charity ultimately prevailing?
10. South Africa: audience reactions to South Africa, to apartheid, to the Afrikaners, to the British Empire, to the Boer War, to General Smuts? (The use of playwright Athol Fuggard in the role of General Smuts?) The train (and the later use of trains for Gandhi's trip in India, Partel and his riding second-class etc)? The dapper Gandhi, first-class ticket, legal training, his ambitions, verbal skill, his presumptions about civil rights? The situation: the white Afrikaner complaining, the train guard and his offensiveness, the warning of the African porter? Gandhi's beginning a discussion with the porter about Christianity and hell)? His being thrown out, the scene on the station, the poor black Africans leaving the third-class carriage, Gandhi squatting on the station? The transition to the Indians in South Africa, their minority status, Muslim traditions, laws discriminating against them, their success as merchants but use of white lawyers? The pros and cons of the late 19th century situation? Gandhi's resolution to do something about the situation?
11. His writing articles, his speech in the marketplace, the small audience, the journalists' presence, his burning card and explanation why, the soldiers on guard and their attack? The violence and his continuing to burn the cards (and the later lying down of the group against the cavalry, the rows of men being beaten at the salt mine in India)? His injuries - and the introduction to his family (and their not figuring in the film so strongly later)? The arrests and jailing of the Indian leaders? His speech to the crowd in the theatre, the explanation of non-violent methods and the response of the crowd, joining in prayer and the irony of the Afrikaners rising at 'God Save the King'? The march against the factory-owners and the group lying down in face of the charging cavalry? Legal discrimination against the Indians? General Smuts and the discussion with Walker? Gandhi explaining his ideas to Walker: the Ashram and the clash with his wife about the cleaning of the latrines, his anger and apology, his wife and her dignity, her learning her lesson and realising that caste had to go her loyalty to him? Herman and his support (and later helping in India)? Charlie Andrews and his support and living in the Ashram? The jail sequence, the interview with General Smuts and the shrewdness of the bargaining on the part of each? The borrowing of the shilling - and the amazed reaction of the South African officials? Gandhi completing his work in South Africa but its having a lasting effect on him?
12. Charlie Andrews and his coming from India, meeting Gandhi, the discussion about the Sermon on the Mount and the turning of the other cheek, Gandhi's perception that Jesus meant what he said and the reaction that it would have on people - provoking by civil resistance? Walking in the street, the Afrikaner boys and their rudeness (and the boy humiliated by his mother sending him to work)? The Muslim and Hindu tradition blending with the Christian for non-violence, non-co-operation? The theory of civil resistance meant to provoke reaction? Charlie and his accompanying Gandhi and bringing the Christian dimension to the Indian religions? The irony of Christians and their discrimination: the South African law against black and white walking on the footpath in Africa, the British Christians in India? Gandhi and his knowledge of Christianity, his final statement that he was Hindu, Muslim, Sikh and Christian?
13. Gandhi as a religious man: his awareness of God, God-language, prayer, speaking of God's presence and his law, respect for religion, using traditional signs? His explanation of his religious training to Walker in the scene at the sea, his singing the hymns about non-violence as a boy but not understanding them, his respect for the Hindu tradition - but his fight against caste, seeing the lack of harmony between Muslim and Hindu in India, seeing the Muslims as a minority, tensions and political fears, the eruption of violence and civil war? Gandhi and his appeal to both to lay down arms, the importance of asking the repentant Hindu who said he was in hell to adopt and train a Muslim child? Gandhi's own experience of being trained in reading from Hindu scriptures as well as the Koran?
14. Gandhi's achievement in South Africa, the effect on the British public? The reputation that he took to India? The South African segment of the film and audience emotional response? Preparation for the transition to India? Audiences critical of South Africa, sympathetic towards India?
15. The pageantry of the arrival of the Viceroy and the contrast with Gandhi's arrival? The Indian band playing for the Viceroy? The tourists watching? Gandhi's simple speech? His going off as the British bands walked past? The British assumptions about owning India - the soldier's later remark and ridiculing of Gandhi's expecting them to walk out? The British using and abusing India? Being masters in the Indians' own land and inevitably humiliating them? The Lieutenant-Governor? and his abuse of the taxes, financing hunting parties etc.? His being forced to sign and accede to Gandhi's petitions? The Viceroy and his reaction to the general strike - a day of prayer and fast in preparation for anti-Indian legislation? The Viceroy and his techniques, wariness about arresting Gandhi but finally doing so? Lord Irwin and his advisers and the question of the Salt Tax? Meetings with Gandhi, discussions about the massacre and General Dyer, about the salt? The British and their court-martialling Dyer? The subaltern and his reaction to the crowds meeting Gandhi? The magistrate and his official sneering at Gandhi, Gandhi refusing to go to jail or pay the bail and having to be released? The judge (played by Trevor Howard) who respected Gandhi, stood for him and while giving sentence hoped that it could be lessened? Lord Irwin finally talking to Gandhi and inviting him to the All-India? Conference? The English reception of Gandhi - the newsreel interlude? His British friends (including Charlie Andrews)? The All- India meeting and the conditions, Ramsay Mac Donald's speech about the various groups in India, the visit to 10 Downing Street? The visit to the Northern Cotton Mills? Gandhi's observation that the heart had gone out of the English and that they would walk out? The experience of World War Two and his arrest? The welcoming of Lord Mountbatten and sharing discussions with him? The lowering of the British flag ceremonies and the raising of the Indian and Pakistani flags? The British leaving as friends? The British stars in the film? The film's presentation of the British - strengths and weaknesses in India?
16. Charlie Andrews and his support: arrival from India, the visit to the Ashram and sharing Gandhi's work, the walk along the South African street, the discussing of the Sermon on the Mount and turning the other cheek, the confrontation with the African louts? His giving the sermon in the church and people walking out because of his views? Accompanying Gandhi to India? His friendship with the professor? His touring India with Gandhi and seeing it through his eyes? The risk of going up onto the roof of the train. the tunnel? Visiting Gandhi in prison? Sending his telegrams for him? Gandhi's advice for him to go to Fiji? The pain of giving up his work with Gandhi? His being seen in the newsreel in Gandhi's visit to England? The comparisons between Christianity and Hinduism? English support? The English support in Mirabehn? Gandhi's correspondence with her? Her arrival and her being mistaken at the railway station? The enigmatic introduction of this character? Her being accepted into the household? As Gandhi's daughter? Her dress, learning to spin? Companionship for Gandhi's wife? Her care of him during the fasts? Her presence at all the important events? Learning to spin? Her discussion with Margaret Bourke- White? Her presence at the end? The irony of the support of these English persons compared with Gandhi's fight against the nation and Empire?
17. American interest: the character of Walker? His visit to South Africa and discussion with General Smuts? Interviewing Gandhi and understanding his work? Asking him about his ambitions? The understanding between the two men? Walker's visit to India, reminiscences about South Africa? The discussions with his photographer? Sitting on the seashore and discussing Gandhi's past, his religious education, his vision? The bond between the two men? Sitting back-to-back yet turning to face each other? Gandhi and his wife re-enacting the marriage ceremony for Walker? Walker's journalistic skill, phoning through messages, photographing the beatings at the salt factory, his interpretation of Gandhi's victory? His participation in the walk to the sea? His presence at the funeral? Margaret Bourke-White? and the background of Life Magazine, her presence during the war, the photography. the prison sequence and the visit, discussions. spinning. non-violence in face of Hitler? Her capturing Gandhi for the western world and the popularity of him through such magazines as Life? Her return after the war. discussions before his death? The sympathetic presentation of American interest?
18. The background of Indian politics? His reception on arrival in Bombay, appreciation of the situation, the formal reception and his meeting the professor and the suggestion of going on the tour? The importance of the panoramic tour of India: the music, visuals, his wife, Charlie? The bridge, the washing in the water? Hopes? The terrorists and the wrecked train? The film's presenting thirty years in the development of Gandhi, Nehru etc.? Religious backgrounds, national background, interests? Gandhi's observations of India, his entering into politics at the Congress, his quiet speech and the applause, young men joining his cause? The modelling of his life for Indian politics? His non-violence, fasts and the repercussions?
19. The stance of the Hindus: the professor at the party. Nehru and his education, training in England, political insight and support? The presentation of Patel and his political management? organisation, visits? Their presence at various crises e.g. after the massacre, Gandhi's imprisonment, their visits to his community -and exasperation at his preoccupation with the goats? Nehru participating in the resistance and being arrested? The confrontation about salt? Nehru and the others and their post-war presence? The question of who was to be Prime minister? Nehru and his supporting of Gandhi and his wanting him to break his fast? The Hindu supporters, the background of peace leading to civil war in the late 40s? The Hindu extremists and the spiritual master with his hatred egging on Gandhi's assassin?
20. The contrast with the Muslim presence in India? The collaboration of Hindu and Muslim? The personality of Jinnah, his western style e.g. the chauffeur, the house, the gardens? His visits and suspicion of Gandhi yet supporting of him? His collaboration with the English during the war? The decisions about Pakistan and the separate state? Gandhi's Muslim friends? The man released from prison and his support of non-violence? The violence between Hindu and Muslim as the heritage of India?
21. The philosophy of non-violence: as exemplified in South Africa, the lying down in the face of the African horsemen? Gandhi's speech in theatre? In India and the question of the indigo crop, the question of the buying of English cloth, the bonfire? Gandhi's arrests, trials and his acceptance? His refusal to pay bail money? The build-up to the Amritsar massacre and his visit to the scene, his fast and prayer, stopping the riots and the violence? His seeing the terrorism and his philosophy of the type of leader that terrorism brought up? The background of the march to the sea, the production of salt, the arrests? The confrontation at the salt factory and the lines of Indians being bashed and cared for? His reaction to the violence at Independence? His final fast? His advice to the Hindu who had killed the Muslim - to rear a Muslim child? Gandhi as a prophetic figure? Acting on conviction? A symbol for the world? Influence on public opinion? The impossibility of changing a violent world - but influencing it?
22. Terrorism and the visualising of this: Gandhi's assassination, the derailed train, the police bashing and the lynching of the police at the station, the Amritsar massacre, the final border battles, violence in Calcutta, assassinations? The question of the confrontation of Hitler?
23. The background of Gandhi's family - criticisms that not enough was included in the film? Relationship with his wife, sons? The background of Gandhi's sexual relationship with his wife, her discussion with Margaret Bourke- White about his vow, his failures? The English style at the opening of the film, his children kissing his feet? The crisis with his wife cleaning the latrines? Her understanding him, making speeches. sharing in the arrests? Her support, presence at home in India? Sharing his life e.g. the fire and the spinning, the marriage re-enactment. her friendship with Mirabehn? Her speech during the war and taking her husband's place? The conversations with Margaret Bourke- White? The build-up to her death - Gandhi's presence at her death and its silent dignity? The glimpse of the children. the support of the nieces?
24. Gandhi as a person: a man shaped by events, bringing his character and training to the shaping of events? The going to the heart of the man that the film intended? The quality of Ben Kingsley's performance: appearance, presence, from the dapper clothes to prison. Indian clothes, travel, hairstyles, baldness, glasses, age, stoop. the staff, his teeth? The correspondence to what is known of the man? The what was seen of the man - photos, newsreels?
25. The film showing a development of character: the smart 19th century lawyer, the British gentleman, the family man. the small strong man, the experience of suffering, development of theories, South African experience? His standing up with dignity to General Smuts? His power of observation of India? The screenplay developing his theories e.g. on the terrorist train, the Congress speech and people's reaction? His home life, simplicity, spinning and the goats? His speeches - with microphones e.g. at the burning of the cloth? His awareness of the consequence for British industry? The old man and his plea to come to solve the indigo problem - the crowd at the railway station, the British subaltern and his inability to control things, the telegram "He is coming"? His dignity in trials and prison? The fast and his demands? His encounter with the variety of British magistrates - especially the dignified sequence with Trevor Howard? The discussions with the Viceroy after the massacre? The accusations of sedition? His talk about himself, his enjoying jokes? The friendship with Walker and Margaret Bourke-White? The insight about the salt? The importance of his visit to England - achievement, failure? The effect of prison, especially during the war? The final realities of politics and his grief? The film's showing an evaluation of the man? His influence on India, on Nehru? The decisions about Pakistan and his intention to go there? A strong man, a hard man, a religious man, exasperating man, a prophet?
26. The presentation of the assassination at beginning and end? Gandhi and the audience knowing him, the situation of violence, his achievement, the man of great heart? The value of this kind of film and its world-wide popularity in the early 80s?