US, 1931, 90 minutes, Black & white.
Marion Davies, Ralph Forbes, C. Aubrey Smith, Ray Milland, Guinn Williams, Doris Lloyd, Halliwell Hobbes.
Directed by Robert Z. Leonard.
The Bachelor Father is a story of an elderly man, a roué in his past, who had several illegitimate children, abandoned their mothers and the children and in old age is persuaded to try to gather the children together. It is interesting to note the moral perspectives of the pre-Code film-making, the old man and nobody thinking to make criticism of his behaviour. (Although, in 2008, Mamma Mia had the plot of a woman who had three possible fathers for her daughter.)
The film is a star vehicle for character actor C. Aubrey Smith, a strong presence in many films, representing the archetypal Englishman. It is also a star vehicle for Marion Davies who had appeared in many silent films and several comedies in the late 20s into the 1930s (while she is more famous as being the mistress of William Randolph Hearst, and being a character in Orson Welles’ Citizen Kane – and Kirsten Dunst appeared as the actual Marion Davies in Peter Bogdanovich’s The Cat’s Meow).
The film also stars Ralph Forbes, an English actor in many Hollywood films as well as giving an early role to Ray Milland. Halliwell Hobbes appears as a butler – one of the many very British characters he portrayed over several decades.
The film relies on the rapport between C. Aubrey Smith and Marion Davies – with a plot twist towards the end which puts the whole happy direction of the film in danger. However, happy ending.
1. An interesting film of 1931? The situation? The pre-Code film stories and plots, moral stances? Especially the older man, his discarding his mistresses, his ignoring his children?
2. MGM production, the English setting, the mansion? The flight sequences at the end? The musical score?
3. The focus on Sir Basil, his age, crustiness, his gout? His doctor and the advice? Mrs Webb and her wanting his money and her continual presence? The household? John Ashley as his friend, managing the estate? The story of Sir Basil, the ledger and the payments to the women, to the children? His reminiscences?
4. John going to America, finding Tony, the discussions with the lady who brought her up? Richard and his friendship? As a pilot? The elements that were to be important by the end of the film?
5. The assembly of the children, Maria, the Italian background, opera? Geoffrey, his looking after his mother? The arrival, the friendliness, the noise and youth – and greeting the wrong person as their father? Tony thinking Sir Basil was selling fish? Sorting things out?
6. Sir Basil, his initial upset with the children, his getting to like them? Especially Tony? Tony and her friendship with John? Tony as the life of the party, unconventional? The month to test out arrangements?
7. Maria, the offer for her to go to Florence, her departure? Geoffrey and his leaving to look after his mother? Tony and her staying?
8. Dick, his friendship with Tony, bringing the letter from his mother, the revelation of the truth and Sir Basil not being her father? Her attempt to tell him? His happiness and her not wanting to disturb it?
9. Sir Basil, the lawyer coming from America, the revelation of the truth? Mrs Webb and her presence, her sneering at Tony? Tony and her admitting that she knew the truth? Her not trying to give an explanation? Her leaving the house?
10. John, the proposal, the truth about Tony, his withdrawing?
11. Tony, going to Dick, his flight across the Atlantic, her asking to go with him, his agreement? The media, the radio? Sir Basil discovering the truth, John driving to stop her going? John hurrying to the airport, Sir Basil receiving the letter from Tony before she left? John bringing her back to the house, the happy reconciliation?