US, 1995, 102 minutes, Colour.
Denzel Washington, Jennifer Beals, Tom Sizemore, Don Cheadle.
Directed by Carl Franklin.
The publicists gave reviewers a copy of Walter Moseley’s latest novel, Black Betty. As I read it, I found I was interested in plot and characters and enjoying them because the novel seemed to relate perfectly to the film I had seen. This probably means (and I understand the author agrees) that it is a good adaptation. The genre is the private eye detective story. The time is 1948. The place is LA. However, Walter Mosley and writer-director, Carl Franklin, are African Americans and Easy Rawlins, the amateur private detective is also black. Which means that the film can be compared to those Raymond Chandler thrillers which are described as film noir. The phrase gets a new meaning here as racial and racist themes are dramatised. As a thriller, the film works well with its various twists and ironies and critique of politics and wealth. Denzel Washington is an easy Easy and a strong supporting cast is led by Jennifer Beals. A black film noir.
1. The popularity of the private-eye thriller? Film noir? The treatment in a 1995 thriller? The capturing of the atmosphere of the late '40s in Los Angeles? The importance of having an African- American private eye? Similarities and differences?
2. The re-creation of Los Angeles of the '40s, the atmosphere and visual style of the credits? Song, music? Authentic atmosphere of the streets, houses, middle class, rich? The clubs, the bars? Dress, cars, decor?
3. The title and the reference to Daphne? The voice-over and Easy's perceptions on the events, the characters, his own involvement, his hopes, settling down to an easy and normal life, his continually being drawn into the mysteries?
4. The introduction to Easy, having a job or not, in the bar, the encounter with Albright, the set-up by the bar owner, the deal, the investigation? His reasons for taking the money - wanting his own house, the war experience, coming from Texas? The new African-American? after the liberation of the war, trapped in economic difficulties, offered hopes of breaking out, a new sense of identity?
5. The contribution of the flashbacks - especially the history of Mouse, his violence? Then his later arrival, shooting first and asking afterwards - and his continued violence throughout the film?
6. Albright and his appearance in the bar, appearance, style? What kind of character? His ability to recruit Easy? The irony of the set-up? Searching for Daphne, the reasons given, the deceiving of Easy? The truth? His racist attitudes? His use of the gun - and the boy kissing his feet? His gun violence, the attacks on Easy, the other violence and his experiencing the same violence?
7. Easy on the job, his skill in investigating, following leads, asking questions? His reputation and people opening up to him? The jazz? His range of friends? Coretta and her husband? Getting the information, her flirting? Albright and the girl? The arrest and its brutality? The killing and police suspecting Easy, the treatment by the detectives and his reaction?
8. Coretta, her relationship with her husband, the sexual relationship with Easy? The information - and the complexity of her participation in the plot, especially the getting of the photos, getting the money? Her deceiving her husband - and his never suspecting? The brutality of her death?
9. Turelle, sinister, the limousine, the little boy in the back, his explanation? Easy and his reaction? The truth about Turelle and his looking for Daphne? Albright working for him? The later revelation of the sex abuse and paedophilia? The reason for the photos, Coretta's death, Daphne's disappearance?
10. Daphne, the Devil in a Blue Dress? Less sinister than first thought? The Coretta story, their friendship? The revelation of the truth about the photos and Coretta having them? The drive to the house - and the discovery of the dead body, her running and leaving Easy there? The truth about her background? Mixed race? Her engagement to Carter - and his love for her? The family wanting to buy her off? The run by Carter for Mayor and his withdrawal because of her? Turelle and his wanting to use her mixed race as a weapon against Carter?
11. Easy and Daphne, the corpse? Albright in the house and the interrogation? Easy putting the pieces together, going to the barkeeper, going to Carter and the truth about the money? The discussions with Carter and his sincerity - but his fear?
12. The supporting characters and their range, Coretta's husband, the barkeeper and his being a mediator for the set-up, Easy breaking his marble bar? Frank Green and his being sinister, drugs etc., and the revelation of the truth about him? The other contacts and Easy's friends? Mouse, dependability - humour, yet cruelty and violence? Especially at the house and the confrontation with Albright and his cronies? The shootout?
13. Carter and the truth, the truth about Frank Green and his relationship to Daphne, the bars? The police at Easy's home? The irony of the man wanting to chop down the trees annoying Easy whenever he got home? The solution of the problem? Easy and his having his home and proud of it - but continually being available for further cases?