US, 1990, 90 minutes, Colour.
Cliff Robertson, Susan Blakely, Rick Springfield.
Directed by Robert Lewis.
Dead Reckoning is a glossy telemovie thriller for wide audiences. It focuses on a glamorously evil woman played effectively by Susan Blakely. Cliff Robertson is her older wealthy husband. Rick Springfield (perhaps better as a singer than an actor) is the lower-class love interest. Most of the action takes place on a yacht during a storm and a remote island with an ominous lighthouse. It is a variation on the lives of the rich and famous and sexual and violent intrigue. There is a twist at the end which reveals Blakely as a completely manipulative and evil woman. Glossy paperback style entertainment.
1. Enjoyment of this kind of glossy melodrama? Crimes of passion? In the world of the rich and famous?
2. The affluent world, mansions, yachts, islands? Special effects for the yacht, the storms? Musical score?
3. The title and its ironies, themes?
4. Alex, the arrest at the beginning, the flashbacks, the finale with the audience knowing more about her? Loss of sympathy for her? Her background, marriage to Daniel, the pre-nuptial clause? The party for his birthday, the gifts? Her behaviour at the party, sexual attraction, relationship with Daniel? The gift of the yacht, Kyle on board? The beginning of tensions? Her reaction to Kyle, to Daniel, the danger of the storm? Daniel's suspicions? Going onto the island? The night, the sexual encounter with Kyle? The lies to Daniel? Inciting Kyle, Daniel's death, her role-playing and lies? Going onto the yacht, writing the note, the Coastguard and the rescue? Her attempt to strand Kyle, his return? The confrontation, his death? The attempts to cover up - and the interrogation by the police, the Coastguard, the inconsistencies in her story, the arrest?
5. Daniel, wealthy surgeon, marrying the younger woman, the sexual attraction? Suspicions? The birthday party, the gift of the yacht? His diary and the growing suspicions? The clash with Kyle, fixing the yacht? The night before is death, the diary? The murder?
6. Kyle, his background, attracted to women, the gossip at the party? On board the yacht, the clashes with Daniel? The clashes with Alex? The storm, steering the yacht? On the island, settling in? His encounter with Alex, the deception with Daniel? Murdering him? Going down the rope - and Alex taking the rope? The climb, the confrontation? The violent encounter and his death?
7. The crime of passion, the political intrigue - the personality of the senator, the sexual liaison with him? His power play - and yet, with the deaths, his putting Alex at a distance?
8. Crime, justice?