USA, 1997, 106 minutes, Colour.
Vincent Gallo, Mykelti Williamson, Kiefer Sutherland, Kim Dickens, Kevin Pollak, Grace Phillips, Rod Steiger, Martin Sheen.
Directed by Kiefer Sutherland.
Truth or Consequence, NM is a latter day Bonnie and Clyde gangster film. It focuses on a group of petty criminals, a robbery going wrong, their escape by car across the American Midwest, culminating in pursuit by the Mob as well as by the police and a deadly shootout.
However, it is a film of the '90s, with Kiefer Sutherland as a psychotic criminal (which he showed he could do in An Eye for an Eye and A Time to Kill). It is also his cinema debut as director (although he directed a number of telemovies).
Vincent Gallo and Kim Dickens are the latter day Bonnie and Clyde, in love, she pregnant, yet criminal background, confronting the Mob, doing drug deals. Kevin Pollak and Grace Phillips are the hostages that the group picks up along the way.
The film is familiar material, classily photographed and strongly directed by Sutherland. Rod Steiger is a Mob chief and Martin Sheen has the opportunity to act the thug.
1. Popularity of American gangster films? The tradition from the '30s? This film as a variation on Bonnie and Clyde?
2. The Midwestern locations, Utah, New Mexico? The open road, the towns, the desert? The range of songs? Musical score?
3. The irony of the title and its being the name of the town where the bloody culmination of the film occurs?
4. The focus on Ray, coming out of prison, high hopes, meeting Addie? Six months later? The plan to do the drug robbery? The collaboration with Curtis and Marcus? The confrontation with Eddie, the mix up, Curtis and his shooting? Taped, videoed?
5. The clash of characters amongst themselves? The decisions what to do? Ray and his leadership, knowing Eddie? Decisions where to go, driving the car? His love for Addie and her going along for the ride? Marcus as part of the gang? Curtis and his psychotic behaviour, not blaming himself, the game, the police the good guys, the gangsters the bad guys and their following the rules?
6. Taking the campervan, Donna and Gordon as hostages? Terror, Gordon gradually liking it, wanting to please the gang, listening to them, aping them? Marcus trying to help them to escape? Gordon spoiling it? Donna realising the truth? Donna and her dismay at Gordon's behaviour? The guns, the fight in the town, Gordon's reflex action, Curtis killing the man but telling Gordon that he had killed him?
7. The travels, the taking of the cars, the driving, the encounter with the police, hiding on the top of the van?
8. Going to the criminals? The irony of their having robbed his drugs? Curtis and the shootout? The pursuit by the gangsters, Sir and his interrogations, catching up with Wayne, interrogating him, torturing him?
9. Going to Wayne's house, cellmate to Ray, imposed upon? Their going to get pizza and the incident with the brutal man? Wayne and his going to his girlfriend's? Coming back, interrogated, tortured and killed?
10. Marcus and his contact with the police, the notes, the phone call and his getting out of it? The police coming in, the confrontation with the Mob, the police, the drug deal and the drug dealers? The deaths?
11. The aftermath American society, the tradition of gangsters and robberies, hopes for freedom, dreams of escaping to Mexico and a happy life? The frustration of the American dream?