US, 1986, 100 minutes, Colour.
Patty Duke, Joe Bologna, Julie Bovasso.
Directed by Noel Black.
A Time for Triumph is based on a true story. It focuses on the contemporary family, the heart attack of the father, his inability to hold down his building construction job, the decision of his wife to join the army for a house and medical benefits, her education, decision to train to be a helicopter pilot, the husband's decision to look after the family. It highlights the tensions within the family, the attack on the traditional understanding of the head of the household and the provider.
Patty Duke, a regular in so many telemovies, is the wife who is transformed by the possibility of a career. Joe Bologna is persuasive as her husband. The film highlights the life in the army in the expected way (the mixture of An Officer and a Gentleman and Private Benjamin). The scenes for the husband taking care of the children have a touch of Mr Mom.
The film is enthusiastic and earnest in its presentation of the family, their struggles - and their triumph.
1.Interesting and entertaining American telemovie? Contemporary issues? For the wide television audience?
2.America, the suburbs, army and air force bases? The musical score?
3.The title, the focus on the family, on Connie and Chuck and their transformation? Their future?
4.The presentation of the American family, the opening with Connie reminiscing, the baptism of the child? The three children, Connie's memories of her Catholic upbringing and her expectations about life, happiness and hardship? Chuck, his job? His heart attack and the repercussions? Connie's supporting him? His irritation? The decision to change roles - struggles, success?
5.Connie, wife and mother, her expectations in life as a housewife and mother? Her Catholic upbringing? Training of the children? Her response to Chuck, his illness? Support, bearing with his irritation? Her attempts to get a job, cash register, fearful of men prowling outside the shop? The employment agency, the discussion about the army? Testing, recruitment? Chuck and his reactions, anger? His giving in? Her leaving home, the initiation into the army, the drill, the routines, the authoritarianism? Her helping Rae? Her having to run the two miles, phone call to Chuck? Her success, graduation? The years passing, her efficiency? Her relationship with the children, their squabbling, their relating to their father? The decision to train as a helicopter pilot? The decisions, away from home? The clashes within the family? Her training, hopes, the young man who failed the test? Her solo flight, support from the co-pilot? The family turning up, sharing in her triumph? Portrait of a contemporary woman, situations changing, realising her potential?
6.Chuck, supporting the family, construction work, one of the boys? The heart attack, his acceptance, non-acceptance? At home, idle? Not wanting Connie to get a job? Her proposal to join the army and his reaction? His looking after the children, mishaps, becoming good at it? Stern treatment of the girls and their discipline? His not being able to do anything for himself? The crisis, the helicopter training, his giving in, moving home? Revisiting his friends - the drink, their jibes at him? His standing up for his wife, realisation that he was proud of his ability to look after his family? Support of Connie?
7.The children, at home, the situation, thinking that adults could do what they liked? The poorer home? The army, pride in their mother, yet squabbles, housework, changing homes, truancy from school? Their final support?
8.Chuck's mother, her support of the family, concern?
9.The fellow workers, the tough builders and constructors? Chuck and his return and inability to climb the ladder? His confrontation with them and standing up for himself and his wife?
10.The army, the drill sergeant and her toughness? Training, discipline? Helicopter training?
11.A story of positive human values? People overcoming crises - and discovering more about themselves and giving it to others?