Monday, 17 August 2015 10:48



Catholic Cemeteries & Crematoria in partnership with the Southern Metropolitan Cemetery Trust have partnered and identified our vision to provide support to those who have lost a loved one through suicide. We are undertaking a number of initiatives to support the families, friends and communities of those who have been lost.

juniper tree


  • Mention My Name Remembrance Service This service will be hosted by Bishop Terry Brady at St Mary’s Cathedral, Sydney on Wednesday 2 September, commencing at 7.00pm. This service will honour and remember the names of those who have lost their lives through suicide or misadventure. A Juniper Tree of Hope will symbolically highlight and recognise those loved ones who have been lost.  This service will be non-denominational and open to all in the community. Providing opportunity for consolation, reflection, solace, prayer and solidarity. It will be an opportunity to remember and not forget those who have gone. Acknowledging the impact and stigma for many who mourn after suicide. We would like to invite you to attend and also to please pass this information on to your own communities (work and personal) so that many are aware of this special evening.