Saturday, 18 September 2021 19:21

Tuskegee Airmen, The


US, 1995, 106 minutes, Colour.
Laurence Fishburne, Cuba Gooding Jnr, Andre Braugher, Allen Payne, Malcolm- Jamal Warner, Courtney B. Vance, Christopher Mac Donald, John Lithgow, Daniel Hugh Kelly, Rosemary Murphy, Ed Lauter.
Directed by Robert Markowitz.

The Tuskegee Airmen is a tribute to the Fighting 99th, the first squadron of black airmen in World War Two. It is a film showing the prejudice against black Americans at the time, their path being thwarted in becoming recognised airmen. The film concludes with them being requested to be escorts in the bombing of Berlin.

The film is conventional in its presentation of the characters, their training, the difficulties, the aerial warfare, heroism and deaths. War footage is included. There are also photos, especially in the final credits, of the actual Tuskegee airmen.

A strong cast of American black actors brings this episode of World War Two alive.

1.The tribute to the black American airmen of World War Two? A memoir after 50 years? The use of actual footage? Of the photos of the actual airmen?

2.The impact for an American audience, of the '90s? Memories of war? Prejudice?

3.The history of the involvement of America in the war, the aftermath of Pearl Harbor? The selection of the black trainees? The exams and their success, their academic backgrounds? The detail of their training? Their ambitions being thwarted? Their heroism?

4.The introduction to the characters on the train going to Tuskegee? The experience of prejudice and having to move for the German prisoners? The bus, the arrival, the usual routines, the officers and the tough stances? The varying reactions of the men? Having to take the exam again? The training, the bonds between the men?

5.The white officers? Rogers and his sympathy? Joy and his prejudice? Verbal attacks, making it difficult for the men, the second exam? Glen as the liaison and his being involved in the decisions? The attitude towards the experiment with the airmen? The comments about "you people, serving your people", the chain of command from the President to the cadets? Life on the base?

6.Success and failures in training? The ambitions of the men? The dangers?

7.Hannibal Lee as leader, his presence, Iowa background? His attitude towards Major Joy? His friendship with the men, supporting them, urging them not to quit? His friendship with Tank and the service of his own plane? The sequence of his landing and the chain gang and their response?

8.Lieutenant Glen, liaison officer, his Canadian experience, his agreeing with the dismissal of Peebles? Tough stances, having no friends?

9.Walter Peebles, his background, his showing-off flight? His leaving? Taking the plane, the crash? Arguments about the blame for his death?

10.Billy, the Harlem background, training, friendships, survival, the bond with Hannibal? Their combat and escort work together? His being hit, dying, posthumous medal?

11.Cappy, his background, success? His being blamed by Senator Conyes? His death?

12.The success of the experiment, the joy of the graduation? Acceptance into the American Air Force?

13.The senate inquiry, the psychological reports about blacks and their fitness for air service?

14.Eleanor Roosevelt, her arrival at the base, her sardonic attitude towards the officers, her ability to charm people, going on the flight with Hannibal, being photographed?

15.Tank, friendship with Hannibal, the support group taking care of planes?

16.North Africa, the racism? The nature of the missions, the strategy? The seeking of glory? Wanting combat? Davis and his leadership of the men?

17.The Washington hearings, the bias of Senator Conyes? His visit to Africa and his antagonism? General Stevenson and his presence? Davis and his speech - especially about being American and being accepted only when the mood of the white people suited? The patriotic tone of the speech?

18.The transfer to Italy, combat, the escort work?

19.The reaction of the white pilots to being saved by the blacks? The Texas man not wanting to acknowledge their presence? His later change of heart and requesting them for the mission to Berlin?

20.The achievement, the medals, the honoured place in World War Two?

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