Australia, 1987, 96 minutes, Colour.
Leo Mc Kern, Julia Blake, Graham Kennedy, Henry Szeps, Michelle Fawdon, Diane Craig.
Directed by Carl Schultz.
Travelling North was a nominee for best film at the Australian Film Institute Awards of 1987. Leo Mc Kern, in fact, won best actor for his performance. Julia Blake was also nominated for her performance.
The film was an adaptation of the play by David Williamson. He has opened it out well, giving a sense of place with Melbourne, roads in between, the Queensland north as well as a glimpse of Sydney.
The film also takes up themes of age and retirement, relaxation and illness, death. It also focuses on themes of love, especially between those of the older generation. There is also the tension between the generations, especially of mother and daughters.
The film works smoothly, has fine performances, especially from Graham Kennedy as the next-door neighbour and Henri Szeps as the doctor. Diane Craig and Michelle Fawdon give strong glimpses of the two daughters with cameos from Drew Forsyth and John Gregg as their husbands.
The film was directed by Carl Schultz (Careful, He Might Hear You, Bullseye) who later went to work in the United States, making such films as The Seventh Sign and Curacao.
1.The acclamation for the film? The portrait of basic human experience? A humane film?
2.The writings of David Williamson, his style? Insight into characters? Verbal humour and wit? Adaptation from the stage? The devices for opening up the play?
3.The Melbourne locations? Homes, streets, the city? The comparison with the Australian countryside and travelling the roads? The contrast with Port Douglas and the beauty of the Queensland tropical coast? The images of Sydney?
4.Images of movement, the roads, the sense of travel? Australia's north as a destination for retirees? A glimpse of paradise?
5.Leo Mc Kern's performance as Frank (and echoes of Rumpole)? Mc Kern living the part, the gruff side of his nature, the sympathetic side? His work and skills, engineer? His being cranky at work, dealing with others? The background of his having belonged to the Communist Party? His retirement, the presentation of the bag? Plans? The relationship with Frances? Love for her? His reaction to her daughters? Going to concerts, enjoying and conducting the music? The meal? The decision to leave Melbourne and go north? Wanting Frances to share the decision? Travelling, sharing the driving, the journey as a pilgrimage? Giving Frances the surprise of the house and the view? Settling in, relaxing, the fishing, the boat - and his criticisms of Frances's rowing? Their discussions, enjoying the music and conducting? The initial reaction to Freddie, his coming in instantly? Sharing points of view, rude to him about the RSL meal, arguing about Vietnam and other Australian issues? The north and its pace of life? The history of his illness and collapses? The angina attacks and their effect? His visiting Saul, arguing with him, wanting the books, demanding? The various pills and his testing? The moments of harshness with Frances? The question of revisiting Melbourne? Setting out, his collapse and return? The final visit? The importance of the discussion with his daughter on the park bench, listening to the truth about his rude attitudes towards his wife, his disregard for his son? His reaction to Helen and her rudeness? Gradual weakening, his eye, his hearing? The importance of the short-span expectancy of his life? The clash with Frances and her leaving? The significance of the phone call, the silences, his apology, his proposal? Her return and the wedding? The dancing and the enjoyment of the wedding? The nightclub, gatecrashing the art gallery? His bet with Saul - and his leaving the envelopes? His weakness, sitting in his chair (and his enjoyment of the gift) and his quietly dying? The instructions after his death? Portrait of a crusty and ageing Australian male? The past and his experience, retirement, illness and facing up to questions of death, his not believing in a life after death, his admiration for Frances's beliefs? His life achievement?
6.Julia Blake's portrait of Frances: in herself, manner and style, grace and dignity? Her relationship with her daughters? The background of her husband leaving, her giving Helen to her brother to care for? The children's reaction to her neglect of them and their considering that she wanted to enjoy music rather than care for them? The relationship with Frank, the sexual relationship? Her decision to go north despite having to leave her children and grandchildren? The impact of the travel, the house and the beauty of the view? Her activities, shopping, going to the doctor? The friendship with Freddie, thinking that Frank was rude to him? Her finding alternate ways of making up to Freddie? The barbecue? The friendship with Saul and the information about Frank's illness? Frank's treatment of her, her angers? The question of belief of life after death, Frank's asking whether God wanted them to be married and her reply that she thought he would prefer it? The attempt to go to Melbourne and the return? Going to Melbourne, meeting her daughters again, the meal and the discussions about their past life, the angry reactions, the loving reactions? The humiliation of the professor? Her being away from Frank? Walking out on him? His phone call, her response to the apology, the proposal? Her return, the celebration of the wedding, the visit to Sydney, the wedding itself, the nightclub, the Whitely exhibition and their gatecrashing? Her preparedness for his death? With Saul and Freddie? The toast and the final instructions? Her contribution to Frank's life? Its meaning for her own?
7.Saul, his work as a doctor, retired, his own health and ulcers, his exasperation with Frank, answering his questions, the role of the general practitioner, the books and his finally capitulating to Frank, helping him test the tablets, the final result being as he said? His admiration for Frances? His bet with Frank about who would die first? His presence at the end?
8.Graham Kennedy as Freddie, talkative, the widower, his chatting, taking offence about the RSL, arguing with Frank at the meal? Building the barbecue? Cooking the meat - and Frank's comments about cholesterol, but not hurting Freddie's feelings and eating the meat? His response to Frank's illness, his presence at the end?
9.Helen and her relationship with her husband, his working the computer? His lack of interest in her and the family? Her resentment towards her sister, the story of being persecuted as a little girl, her feelings of neglect from her mother, going to stay with her uncle? Her relenting and her need for her mother?
10.Sophie and the easier relationship with her mother, her professor husband, her own thwarted ambitions for study, her mother's memory of her as a young girl and her hair streaming (and Helen's retort)? The scene in the restaurant, Sophie humiliating her know-all husband? His taking offence and walking out?
11.Frank's daughter, care for her father, the walk along the river, the discussion about her mother and his treatment, her telling the story about Frank? The absent brother?
12.The wedding, the minister and his little speech? The enjoyment of the art gallery and the gatecrashing? The nightclub?
13.How well did the film treat the themes of ageing, retirement, illness, love? Frank's comment that he had a care for humanity but was not very good at individual people?
14.The themes of Australian men and women and their backgrounds, awkwardness with each other, overcoming barriers? Love?