US, 1961, 100 minutes, Black and White.
John Cassavetes, Stella Stevens, Bobby Darin, Everett Chambers, Nick Dennis, Rupert Crosse, Vince Edwards.
Directed by John Cassavetes.
Too Late Blues is an early film from John Cassavetes (Husbands, Opening Night, Woman Under the Influence). It offers a good starring role for Bobby Darin and for Stella Stevens - who seemed to be moving in the Kim Novak tradition (though acting better). The film is about a group of musicians, a downbeat theme as they struggle for some kind of success as well as in their interrelationships. The film introduces Seymour Castle, who was to appear in many of Cassavetes' films, especially Minnie and Moscowitz.
The film has a musical score by David Raksin (Laura) - and while it is a film of the late '50s, early '60s, it is quite interesting in its presentation of its characters.
1.A film of its period? Later? Portrait of people? Struggle for success? Downbeat?
2.Black and white photography, the work of John Cassavetes?
3.The musical score, jazz, the themes, the singing, the blues?
4.The picture of the group: the bonds between them, their playing the music, their instruments, with the children, the boy taking the instrument and the group's response? Going to Nick's and playing pool? Going to the party, the meeting with Jess, her singing, the hopes? The playing at the park with no audience? Going to the audition, Benny's influence, not wanting Jess? The party at Nick's, the fight with the pool players? Ghost moving away from the group? The group by itself, playing, not wanting Ghost back? Jess's return and singing? The possibility of reconciliation?
5.Ghost and his talent, his place in the group, leadership? Playing and composing? At Nick's, banter with Nick? The party, with Benny? His finding Jess, admiration for her singing? The drink at Reno's, the mixture of the drink, the toasts? The night at her place? His fascination, her dependence on him? At the park, the audition, her singing, Benny wanting her out, the argument? The fight at Nick's, the clash with Jess and his spurning her? Benny and the arrangement of patronage, the countess, playing in the Los Angeles clubs? Meeting Benny after a year, coming to his senses, going to find Jess, her desperation, returning to the group, their attitude towards him - too late?
6.Jess and her singing at the party, the relationship with Benny, vulnerable and hurt, no self-image? Ghost's compliments, attraction? Her drinking with him, the dance at Reno's? Going home? At the park, the audition? The fight in the bar, Ghost's spurning her? Her being hurt, going home with Charlie? Cruising the bars, meeting Ghost again, the attempt at suicide? The end and her singing?
7.The men in the group: Red, Pete, Charlie? Their love of music, hopes for success? Charlie and Jess? Going home with her, abandoning her? Red and his animosity towards Ghost? Playing together - their future?
8.Benny as the smart agent, his style, two-timing people, using Jess? Trying to get deals, auditions? At the record-playing? Ousting Jess? The arrangement with the countess?
9.Nick and Reno, their bars, their clientele, friendships, stances, fights? The men at the party and the fight? The men with the girls?
10.The countess, her patronage, the arrangement with Ghost? His walking out?
11.Themes of hope, striving, talent, success and failure? Downbeat?