US, 1938, 90 minutes, Black and white.
Lewis Stone, Fay Holden, Mickey Rooney, Cecilia Parker, Sara Haden.
Directed by George B. Seitz.
Out West with the Hardys is one of the earliest of the Hardy series. It starts, as usual, with the judge in court and with a problem about property and water resources. Mother is spring-cleaning - but the whole family goes out west. Once again Marian becomes infatuated, Andy has problems with a little girl and her ability to ride a horse and shoot (Virginia Weidler attractive in this role), the judge and mother get embroiled in the problems of their hosts, Aunt Milly is there for back-up. Polly Benedict also appears at the beginning and end. By this time, the formula was well developed - and responding to the acclaim by the American public. (Of historical interest, Mickey Rooney has some rather racist lines which would have been taken for granted at the time - his exultation when they were able to sell the property, `Another redskin bites the dust,' and a comment about Polly's friend and his being `a white man'.)
1.The popularity of the Hardy series? The developing tradition and formulas? The ideal American family of the '30s? This film within the series?
2.Production values, B-budget, the stars, the sets - and the western setting? Musical score?
3.The title - and expectations of the west?
4.The judge, in action in court, the story of the flirtation with Dora, going home, wanting to help the Northcotes? The tense meal, mother and her spring-cleaning? Going west, the isolation, welcomed at the ranch? The judge and his advice, the discussions with mother about buying the land? The owner thwarting them, in collusion with the Indian? The judge and his wise advice for Marian to help with the housework, for Andy to try to get along without rules and supervision? The children learning their lesson? The return, the continuing joke about the Indian blanket, mother providing the solution for the difficulty? The saving phone call? The judge and mother as the ideal parents?
5.Marian, the fight with Dennis, the flirtation with Ray, trying to do the housework, the breakfast, boiling the boots, scrubbing the floor with molasses - and Jake hostile to her? Her discovery of the truth about herself? Reconciliation with Dennis?
6.Andy, the 16-year-old, basketball success, the clash with Polly Benedict? Writing to her? Out west, the clothes, imitating the cowboys? The bet and riding the horse and falling off? The friendship and clash with Jake? The bet about her shooting and her winning the dollar? His grief about her horse? Getting the vet? Borrowing the money? Lost and Jake finding him? The apology to Polly Benedict, his father's advice about the contract?
7.Ray, the widower, his story, attracted to Marian? The attempt at housekeeping and the boiling of the boots? Jake, the story of her birth, like a little boy, ability to ride, shoot? Finding Andy - and telling the story to save him? Her grief about the horse?
8.The Northcotes, old friends, the ranch, their neighbour and the deals, the water? The blanket with the map? The law and their being saved?
9.The familiar ingredients - in their time, in retrospect?