Australia, 1990, 97 minutes, Colour.
John Savage, Kerry Armstrong, Guy Pearce, Rebecca Rigg.
Directed by Frank Howson.
Hunting is a rather baroque drama about the financial wheeler-dealings in finances in the '80s. It has an American tycoon (played by John Savage who, according to type casting, is not entirely persuasive as such a bad villain). It also shows the Australian business scene, the world of deals and the media, the background of drug deals, political pressure.
The film is stylishly made - and runs the risk of being considered pretentious. It has the courage of its baroque convictions as it melodramatises the characters and the situations, highlights dramatic visual compositions, uses symbols such as the moth to the flame.
The film has a strong supporting cast led by Kerry Armstrong, who was nominated for an AFI award as best actress, 1990.
The film was written and directed by Frank Howson, the writer and/or the director of such dramas as Boulevard of Broken Dreams, Heaven Tonight, What the Moon Saw. While the film might be too melodramatic for some tastes, it is an attempt to dramatise some of the puzzling finance crises of the period.
1.The title, symbolism?
2.The Australian atmosphere, the use of Melbourne locations, their moods? Behind the credits? The world of business and wealth, contrast with suburbia? Authentic, stylised? The score and the atmosphere?
3.The use of widescreen process, the baroque style, sets and decor, the various uses of slow motion, editing and pace, compositions, symbols like the moth and the flame? Pretentious or not?
4.The credibility of the plot, wealth and takeover in the '80s, drug wealth, politics, banks, deals, media?
5.An allegory of Australia in the world of big business in the '80s? Michelle symbolising Australia - seduced by greedy powers, set up, abused, mocked and raped, angered and reacting violently?
6.Kerry Armstrong as Michelle: establishing her character in her going to work, in slow motion through the city of Melbourne, giving a context of her life? Her work, secretary, the boss? Friendship with Debra and their talking? Meeting Michael Bergman and making a fool of herself, the handkerchief? Gawky? At work? Tense with Larry? In love with her husband, yet frigid? Washing the handkerchief? Phoning, going to deliver it, hesitating at the door, being invited into the party? Meeting with the wealthy and influential? Talk about the Harris name? With Michael, going out with him, the club, her decision to go home? The roses? Seduces, his gentleness? Her lying to Larry? The phone calls, working back, committed to Bergman?
7.The portrait of Larry: in himself, his loss of job, his watching TV, becoming a slob, his love for Michelle, sexual impotence, watching It's a Wonderful Life and the comments about God and fate? His suspicions of Michelle, his sending the venomous cartoon to Bergman? The visit and the threat - and his being recorded on the video? His being killed? Reappearing on the video and finally seen by Michelle? As part of her final violent motivation?
8.Michael Bergman and his presence in Australia, American with Australian citizenship, mysterious, charm, the first meeting with Michelle, going in with the banker, spending so much time? The accident, the handkerchief? At home, inviting Michelle in, hosting her, the outing, the club? The attempted seduction but not pressuring her? His style? The roses and the phone call? Her return, the sexual encounters, sensuality, their being filmed on video? His set-up at home, financial deals, being seen on television, buying the Los Angeles media organisation, `a true believer' in his interviews? With Michelle, gradually becoming harsher, telling her to shut up, ousting her from the meetings? His own troubles? The visit from Larry? His bodyguard and henchman? Larry's death? Growing pressures, the meeting with the umbrellas and the rain? The contrast with his public appearance on the telethon and his generosity? The phone calls, the news of the collapse? His being kept waiting by the banker? The clash with Michelle, her telling him about the abortion? His sexual encounter with Debbie and wanting to be seen by Michelle? The formal dinner, his hold over the guests, treatment of Michelle, the rape, the guest taking advantage of her, the formality of his apology? The portrayal of an evil man?
9.Michelle, conscious, going to confession, the significance of her dreams, as a child, the funeral, the church and the hymns - her future? Larry's death, blaming herself, the conversations with Debbie? Her being spurned by Michael, the bitter telling of the truth, the abortion? Her disgust at seeing Debbie with him? Her searching out the drugs and her being caught, the meal, the formality, the rape? Her final decision? shooting him?
10.Michael, his success, failure? Michelle's shooting him? His death - melodramatically staged? The irony of the video being on with him talking?
11.Stockton, the bankers, work, relationship with Michelle, the hold by Michael Bergman, disdaining him in failure, his recovery, presence at the meal?
12.The bodyguard, sinister, homosexual overtones, with Larry, the murder, watching the videos, the meal?
13.The corporate high-fliers, money, their lifestyle, their cruelty? Presented in baroque melodrama?