Australia, 1987, 95 minutes, Colour.
Nick Carrafa, Dasha Blahova, John Flaus, Sheila Florance, Norman Kaye.
Directed by Luigi Aquisto.
Hungry Heart is a slice of Melbourne life, with melancholic touches. It focuses on an Italian family, Sal (Salvatore) trained to be a doctor but preferring to wander and take stock of life. He encounters a young woman, Kate, falls in love with her, moves in with her, falls in and out of love. The film also focuses on Sal's family, Italians settling into Melbourne, his grandfather who mourns his dead wife, stands in the middle of the road in order to be run over. There is also Kate's lesbian friend who is jealous of Kate. Next door to the Italian family is a former priest who has experienced a loss of faith (played with dignity by Norman Kaye). The film shows life in the inner suburbs of Melbourne as well as in holiday towns and resorts. However, the film is more a sketch of people in transition and the film is open-ended. It was produced by Rosa Colosimo, a prolific producer of small-budget Australian films.
1.The title, reference to Sal, his family, Kate, her friend, Mr O'Ryan?
2.The Melbourne settings, the suburbs and houses, pubs? The country roads, the beach, country hotels? The contemporary songs? Musical score?
3.The focus on Sal, the car and the breakdown, the passing of Kate in the tram? The meaning and meaninglessness of his life? Coming home? His mother, the family? Finding his grandfather on the street and taking him home? Trying to settle down? Meeting his friends, Charlie and his debts, Tony and his acting? The club and performances? The encounter with Kate, the attraction? Tracking her down at the pool? Getting to know each other? The relationship, going to Lorne, the hotel, the beach? The jealousy of her friend? Going together? His decision to move in? Their shared experiences, talking, love? His own uncertainties? Kate and her work, her desires? The visit of her father? The fancy dress party, Sal's moodiness, criticism of Kate and her dress, the make-up? The clash? The arguments and her finally leaving? Sal's jealousy about her boyfriend? His wandering? Decision to help Charlie steal his godfather's dogs? The home visits? The support of his mother? His grandfather and the accidents? The return to the house, the sexual encounter with Kate's friend, her departure? Kate's return - the uncertainties? The future?
4.Kate, vivacity, her background from the country? Her work as a wool classer? The rehearsals, the relationship with her friend? The encounter with Sal, the attraction? His meeting her again at the pool? Going to Lorne, the beach, the talking, the hotel? Coping with her friend's jealousy? The bonds between Sal and herself, his moving in? The clash at the fancy dress party, her taking off her make-up, changing her dress? Sal's not being dependable? Her visit with her father, discussing things and the seriousness of the relationship? Her decision to leave, the return, the shock at her friend's behaviour, departure? Talking things through with Sal - a future or not?
5.Sal's family, the Italian background? Tradition, relationships, bonds? The old man in the cemetery, his dead wife, her photo? Wanting to be run over? Brought home by Sal? His friendship with Kate and support of her? The driver who almost ran him over and brought him home? Sal's mother, stories about the past, her support of her son? His sisters and his interaction with them?
6.Kate's father, from the country, traditional, trying to eat the spaghetti, support of his daughter?
7.Mr O'Ryan, his writing poetry, his reflections? Serious - or pretentious? The ex-priest, the family calling him `Father'? Walking his dog, his garden? Support of the family, especially the grandfather? His loss of faith?
8.Kate's friend, singer, lesbian? Friendship with Kate, sharing the house? Kate's discussions with her, the memories of the friendship with the girl at school and her parents' reactions? Her reaction to Sal? The night together?
9.Charlie and Tony, Sal's friends, their way of life? The debt, the stealing of the dogs? Tony and his acting, accent?
10.A cross-section of Melbourne city life? Relationships? Uncertainties? Hungry hearts?