UK, 1988, 118 minutes, Colour.
James Wilby, Kristin Scott Thomas, Rupert Graves. Judi Dench, Anjelica Huston, Alec Guinness.
Directed by Charles Sturridge.
A Handful of Dust is an elegant adaptation of Evelyn Waugh's celebrated novel of the '30s, the picture of the wealthy, the bright young things in London and in the English country, the pessimism of the Depression period and the anticipation of World War Two. Other versions of Waugh's novels include Tony Richardson's spoof, The Loved One, a television version of Scoop, the celebrated British mini-series of Brideshead Revisited. This film is directed by Charles Sturridge, director of Brideshead Revisited, Where Angels Fear to Tread, Fairies.
The film captures the atmosphere of the '30s, the English country mansion and its lifestyle, flats in London, the whirl of wealthy society. It also has by contrast, the wilds of South America and the jungles.
The film is particularly well cast with James Wilby excellent as the bewildered, and finally trapped, Tony Last. Kristin Scott Thomas is striking as the self-centred Brenda. Rupert Graves is good-looking and callow as Beaver. Judi Dench is striking as his ambitious mother. Anjelica Huston has a cameo role as Mrs Rattray, the pilot. Alec Guinness appears at the end as the charming but sinister Mr Todd.
Elegantly made, humorous and serious - with an extraordinarily pessimistic ending, as did the novel.
1.The popularity of Evelyn Waugh's work? Adapted for the screen? Evelyn Waugh's world, perspective on life? Ironies? The interpretations of Waugh by Charles Sturridge?
2.The atmosphere of '30s England, the British countryside and its beauty, wealth? London and the apartments, restaurants and clubs? The contrast with the Venezuelan locations - the beauty of the jungle, the waterfalls, finally entrapping Tony? Landscapes, decor and costumes? Musical score?
3.The adaptation of the novel, the elements of plot and character, the spirit of Waugh's perceptions?
4.The title, human beings as handfuls of dust, the ending and Tony's fate? Tony and Brenda as handfuls of dust?
5.The prologue, the beauty of the dream, swimming and the waterfall? Expectations? Tony's dream, Brenda's place - and the dream dashed?
6.The bright young things of England in the '30s? England and London in the period? Age, beauty, wealth, work and idleness, vision and lack of vision? Marriage, family, affairs and divorce? The overriding importance of money? The interpretation of England in the '30s by Waugh - and his outlook of the future? Our interpretation of the past?
7.The relationship between Tony and Brenda (and the theme of the fox - especially the end with Brenda as the vixen)? John Andrew and their love for their son? Training him, the life on the estate, the house, the brittle love, the guests? John Andrew's way of life, reprimands? The nanny? The routine of affairs, in the house, walking with his father, going to church (and Brenda not going)? Not wanting visitors on weekends? The building of the relationship between the two? Beaver's intrusion?
8.Tony and Brenda at home, managing? Brenda's going to the city, her absence? Phone calls? Tony's drinking? Unsuspecting? Brenda and the encounter with Beaver, the dates, Mrs Beaver organising the flat? The restaurant, Brenda taking charge of Beaver and trying to educate him, yet infatuated with him? The affair, the lies and the pretence? Her economic studies? Her friends, pro and con? Jock and his friendship with both? Tony and his drinking, the happy weekend? The build-up to the hunt? John Andrew and his going on the hunt? His being thrown, trampled, his death? The effect on Tony, his taking charge - yet his absentmindedness? Relying on Jock? Jock breaking the news to Brenda - and her thinking it was Beaver, her remark, `Thank God'? Her trying to take it back but Jock insisting that she knew what she said?
9.The effect of the death of John Andrew, the breaking of the brittle marriage, Brenda wanting a divorce? Brenda and her affair with Beaver? Her weakness, wanting the money, wanting the estate? Using her brother to influence Tony? Tony agreeing to the divorce, discussing with his lawyer, his wanting to take the blame, the woman and the child in the hotel at Brighton, the servants all checking, his relationship with the child and walking along the beach? His change of mind, cutting Brenda off? His decision to go on the trip, his changing his will, cutting out Brenda, the irony of his disappearance and Brenda and her poverty (buying the cheap food at the store)?
10.Beaver, spoilt young man, his work, devotion to his mother, her pampering him? His mother's ambitions? Her shop? Knowing everything? Escorting Brenda, going down for the weekend and intruding, Brenda attracted to him, the affair, his prospects of marriage? His mother and her manipulation, the shop? The memorial to Tony - Mrs Beaver's idea?
11.Jock, his friendship with Tony and the others? With Beaver? His relationships? Drinking? Coming to the hunt, bringing Mrs Rattray? His wanting to help? Going to Brenda, breaking the news? Mrs Rattray and her American background, aviation? Strong style? The hunt? Her sympathy for Tony, easing him through the death, understanding, getting him out of himself and playing the cards?
12.The picture of the British household of the period, the role of parents, children, the trainer, the nanny, the servants? The general public and the owner as squire?
13.The woman going to Brighton and being the escort for divorce cases, her attitude towards the job, bringing her daughter along? The detectives and their trying to indicate to Tony how he should behave, his two breakfasts? In bed so that the servant would see?
14.The encounter with the professor, his eccentricity, the mice? The decision to go on the expedition? The land of dreams with the waterfalls? The Indians and their escort, taking everything, lost? The professor never returning? Tony's fever, about to die?
15.The intercutting with Brenda, her downfall in society, her attempts to get the money, her poverty?
16.Mr Todd and his friendship, saving Tony's life, his love for reading, his English father, the books? Tony reading for him? Tony feeling trapped? The news of the visitors, Mr Todd drugging Tony and letting him sleep through? The aftermath of the feast? Giving him the news about the visitors, giving them his watch and showing them the cross? Genial but merciless?
17.Tony trapped, the irony of reading Dickins? He might have died - but trapped for life?
18.Portrait of the times, accurate observation, satiric observation? The finale - and the black humour?