US, 1983, 129 minutes, Colour.
Timothy Hutton, Mandy Patinkin, Lindsay Crouse, Edward Asner, Ellen Barkin, Tovah Feldshuh, Joseph Leon, Amanda Plummer, John Rubinstein.
Directed by Sidney Lumet.
Sidney Lumet directs E.L. Doctorrow's (Ragtime) screenplay from his novel that dramatises the communist movements in the U.S. in the 30s, a parallel to the trial of the Rosenbergs in the 50s for alleged stealing of atomic secrets and the repercussions on their children in the 60s.
The themes of conspiracy and capital punishment are strongly portrayed. The result is satisfying social drama (even if clear answers are not supplied). By its critical/sympathetic portrayal of the past, the film challenges contemporary presuppositions and behaviour asking us not to repeat mistakes, especially in fearful miscarriages of justice. Timothy Hutton leads an expert cast.
1. An impressive piece of Americana: 30s to 60s - themes of freedom, social criticism, social unrest, American paranoia? Issues of justice?
2. E.L. Doctorrow's adaptation of his novel? The quality of the screenplay? Dialogue, scenes? Cinema devices, to incorporate aspects of the novel? The story based on the history of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg? The importance of the prologue and the insertions about executions: the electric chair and its history, drawing and quartering, knouting, burning at the stake? The build-up to the real execution after excerpts in anticipation? Colour photography: 60s and the sharp focus, the use of colour - incidents, clashes, discussions? The film and its screenplay as a work of detection and search for meaning as well as tragedy? The flashbacks with their mellow colours, warmth corresponding to Daniel's memory? Their sombre tone? The gradual colouring of memories and the fusing with the present? The intercutting of the two funerals? The perspective of a film of the 80s - audience and film-makers interpreting the past? The optimistic ending? Literal uplift? The importance of the musical score and its feeling, the songs of Paul Robeson?
3. The title and its focus on Daniel as the son of his parents? Doctorrow's title: The Book of Daniel? References to the Jewish Scriptures and their spirit, visionary, the Jewish heritage, apocalyptic, the crisis time for the Jews? Socialism and its fulfilment? The Book of Daniel with martyrs for causes in the 2nd century B.C.? The Isaacsons as martyrs in their time?
4. The prologue and its tone: Timothy Hutton's monologue's about executions? The history of the electric chair, mediaeval attitudes towards execution, cruelty, martyrs? The emphasis on death and suffering? The audience revulsion? The glimpses of the electrocutions to come?
5. The 60s and the opening discussion: a family discussing, information, feelings? Highlighting the transition from the 50s to the 60s? The Levins and their care for Daniel? Legal role and responsibilities? Tensions? The husband and his concern, the information about the trial? His wife and her trying to play it down? Daniel and the meaning of his life? Tensions? His wife and child? Study? His being cut off from his parents? The contrast with Susan and her awkwardness, the range of her experiences and failures, guilt, intensity? Their clash? Susan's behaviour shaping Daniel's quest? Her attempted suicide, the talk with the psychologist and the holiday inn? Daniel taking out his anger on Phyllis? The motivation of his quest?
6. The portrait of Paul and Rochelle - from fragments of Daniel's memory (and his limitations)? The romantic 'memory' of their courting? Their being involved in protest, meeting, Rochelle' s mother and her hostility, the socialist and communist discussions? Paul as a committed and convinced man? The joy at Daniel's birth, testing him as he grew up about socialism, ownership, racial prejudice? Home, the shop, friends? Parties? The outing for Paul Robeson (and-the later memory of the buses being diverted with the rednecks smashing the buses, Paul's arm)? Rochelle's mother and her going mad, the agony of living? Suspicions, the F.B.I., the 50s and the paranoid feeling? The friendship with the Mindisch family? Linda lording it over Daniel? The arrest of Selig Mindisch? His testimony, interrogations? Paul's and Rochelle's arrest, the repercussions? The trial and the ambiguities of their behaviour? The children visiting them in prison? Rochelle and her emotional response, pride in her children, reaction to Susan's sullenness, Daniel's devotedness? Paul and his enthusiasm for his children? The impact of each going to the electric chair? The second charge for Rochelle?
7. The Communist Party, ordinary members, committed people. New York, Jewish communists? The possibility of the conspiracy? The importance in the late 40s of atomic secrets? Stealing and passing of secrets? The nature of the conspiracy? The journalists' view that they were 'into something'? The later hypothesis that they were covering for another couple belonging to the party? Their desire to be martyrs? The party's lack of support - but later holding them as martyrs?
8. The 50s, cold war, the aftermath of Hiroshima, the hypothesis that if the Russians got a bomb it had to be from American secrets, 'our' bomb? The view that this atomic situation militarised the world? The necessity for scapegoats?
9. The conspiracies, the law, political affiliations, the legal point about admitting a conspiracy and blaming Mindisch? Jacob Ascher, his friendship, his illness, his working during the trial, the discussions with the lawyer and the judge? The court sequences?
10. The effect on the children, their having to go to an institution, their being separated, the nightmares, throwing the food at the supervisor, running away, going home? The possibility of the black caretaker looking after them? Mrs Ascher later thinking that they might have adopted them? Rochelle choosing the Lewins? Lewins becoming Mum and Dad? Bonds, tenderness? The children cut off from their parents? Daniel wanting to defend his mother? Susan's greater morbidity? Wanting to clear their parents? Susan thinking that Daniel believed that they were guilty? Susan's search with drugs, sex? Collapse, fight, hurt? The asylum and her warnings? Her death? Daniel and his study, search, establishing the foundation?
11. The Aschers and their help, care for the children, court, Jacob Ascher and his health, hopes? The visit to the prison? The resentment of his wife?
12. The Lewins and their help in the trial, in the investigation?
13. The journalist and Daniel's interview, memory of the case, saying that the Isaacsons were into something? Mrs Ascher and her resentments? Daniel's visits to California, Linda and her wanting to change places with him, the loss of reputation because of her father's imprisonment? Daniel's encounter with Selig, his loss of memory, his tears and his kiss? Daniel's memories, journey, exorcising the past?
14. The cemetery, the intercutting of the two funerals, their being fused? Daniel hiring the rabbis to pray foe his parents? For Susan?
15. The peace rally, Phyllis and the child united with Daniel? in hopes of the 60s? The songs? The repercussions of the 50s into the 60s? The change for protest and peace movements? The optimistic ending?
16. Paul Robeson's songs and their lyrics - negro spirituals, scripture, social concern? The film as a piece of Americana: its texture, politics, humanity?