US/South Africa, 1997, 96 minutes, Colour.
Ice Cube, Elizabeth Hurley, Ving Rhames.
Directed by Darrell James Roodt.
Dangerous Ground is a thriller, set in post-apartheid South Africa, especially Johannesburg.
Darrell James Roodt had been a pioneer in South African films in the late 80s and early 90s, especially with the politically conscious musical with Whoopi Goldberg, Sarafina. In 1995 he made a moving remake of Alan Paton's Cry the Beloved Country with James Earl Jones and Richard Harris. He was voicing his concern in film about South Africa's history in the 20th century. (He had a small stint in Hollywood where he made the comedy thriller Father Hood with Patrick Swayze.)
He still shows his concern about South Africa, especially the transition from apartheid, its Americanisation, the proliferation of drug gangs and the effect on tribal South Africans coming to the cities. However, he has chosen to put this social concern (in several speeches, especially by Ice Cube) in the context of a routine drug thriller that could have been set in any American city. However, it is set in South Africa and is trying to make strong points. Elizabeth Hurley is a glamorous choice for the leading lady - an addict stripper, which gives Hurley the opportunity to look glamorous. Ice Cube is very serious in the central role - bringing a touch of American vigilanteism to the climax. Ving Rhames is enjoying himself, with a South African accent, as an exceedingly eccentric drug lord with a penchant for soccer. Of interest for its social comment rather than the familiarity of its plot.
1. A portrait of aspects of South Africa in the late 1990s, the aftermath of apartheid, opening up to the rest of the world, American-style influences? The drug world, addiction? The conventionality of the plot?
2. The South African locations, the cities, the squalid areas, the rich areas, hotels? The musical score?
3. An American-South? African co-production? The American character, for an American audience? The impact for South African audiences? Worldwide? A useful comment on social problems in South Africa?
4. The title, the city, drug dealing, the drug area?
5. The prologue, the brutality of the Afrikaner police, murders, putting down of riots, shootings? The torture of Usi? His not giving in? The comment that he was able to go to America soon after?
6. Usi's return to Africa, his Americanisation? Accent, manner, affluence, expectations? His girlfriend? Keeping in touch with her? His father's death, his going to the tribal area, meeting his brother, their clashes, especially about culture, the spear, his being expected to slaughter the animal? His brother doing it? The elders, the other members of the tribe, the funeral for his father? His mother, her pleading to Usi to find Stephen?
7. His going to the city, looking for clues, the house, finding Karen? The meeting with her at the striptease club? Her relationship with Stephen? Introducing him to people? Going to the drug dealer, getting her drugs, Usi finding out more about Stephen? Seeing him in the corridor and pursuing him? Going to the boss, the interactions with him? His entourage and henchmen? The deadline to get the money, his going to the casino and trying to win? Karen going with him? Finding Stephen, his shock? Confronting him, taking him with them? Their going to the boss? The confrontation, the violence, Karen with the gun, Usi with the spear? The return, going to his tribe, being accepted, especially by his brother? The possibility for Stephen reforming? His phone calls, the postponed flights, going back to America?
8. Karen, her background, striptease, liking dancing, Usi's comment about this kind of dancing? Her addiction? Her relationship to Stephen, in love with him? Her apartment, squalor? Going to the drug dealer? Going to the casino, driving with Usi, their being held up by the White Nazi movement? The return, the gun, her not waiting in the car, the confrontation with the boss, his death?
9. The boss, his manner, entourage, Asian girlfriend? His talking about soccer and excellence in standards, watching matches? His brutality, shooting? His making the point to Usi, wanting the money? The return, the confrontation, his death? The shoot-out?
10. Stephen, the African caught up in the new world, drug addiction, the cities, the clubs? Getting in debt? The inherent violence in this kind of life?
11. Whites and blacks, drug dealers and clubs, gangsters? The sequence with the neo-Nazis? The complications of the heritage of apartheid in South Africa?