France, 1977, 97 minutes, Colour.
Eleanore Klarwein, Odile Michel.
Directed by Diane Kurys.
A first film written and directed by Diane Kurys. It is an attractive and nostalgic look back at adolescence in the early sixties. The period is important: the background of the war in Algeria, Kennedy's assassination a few months later. The decor and feel of the time are communicated, especially in the musical score. The film works over familiar material - Americans have been doing this kind of thing in their own way in such films as American Graffiti.
However, there is a freshness as well as charm about the whole film especially in the performance of Leonore Klarwein as the withdrawn central character, Anne. The film, while firmly based in French and Parisienne society, has sufficiently universal appeal to make it appreciated by audiences in other countries.
1. An attractive entertainment? the sixties - politics, society, moral changes of the sixties? Nostalgia about the past, an explanation of adults in the seventies, a comment on their formative years? The French appeal, universal appeal?
2. The atmosphere of the 1960s in France - the holidays, one year in the girl's life, the atmosphere of school and the capturing of the atmosphere, home, political issues, revolution - leading to the uprisings of the late sixties?
3. Diane Kurys' point of view about her own past, her memories? The wry dedication to her sister? The film as a memory of herself, an interpretation of herself? The quality of her memory and eye for the past, her ear for the sounds and way of speaking of the past? A blend of delight and anguish? The sensitivity of her point of view, the feminine sensibility and insight? Her assessment of herself at that stage in the character of Anne, the change as she grew into a successful professional woman?
4. The international and national political scene of 1963: De Gaulle's France, the O.A.S. and terrorism, the war in Algeria, political instability, censorship and suppression, the later bursting out in the 1968 demonstrations? John Kennedy, his assassination, Vietnam? The move towards nuclear confrontation? Justice and injustice in the world?
5. The musical score and its contribution, for example songs of Cliff Richard, The Shadows? The dancing styles of the time? The echoes of films, for example, Muriel?
6. Anne as focus of the film ? at 13, on holidays and withdrawn, her relationship with Frederique? At home with her mother and love and clashes? The preoccupation of the adolescent girl - dress, pantihose, etc? Her reaction to Mark? The grind of school, classes? The chatter of the girls in the yard especially about sex and the strange ideas taken as gospel? Anne always being in trouble, on the outer, sick? The importance of the phone call and the mischief? The play and her feeling distanced? The dinner out and the dance - Xavier? The awkwardness in meeting her father and having the meal? The ski holiday? How well did the film delineate the character of Anne, detail the moods, feelings of her day to day life?
7. The comparison with Frederique and the two years difference in age? Her friendships, changing, in class, discussions? Interest in politics? Camping, dancing? The clash with her mother about politics? Her apologies to her mother? falling out with Mark? Tearing up the letters? Her involvement in the drama?
8. Mark and the initial tone of the film, relationship with girls, father and the situation on holidays? school, ups and downs?
9. The mother and father - the background of divorce, 200 miles distance, the girls staying with each parent, holidays for father, home with mother? The way that they managed? The picnic? Pride, severity? The mother's visit to the headmistress and her concern? The doctor and grief? The birthday, the play? The father and his coming to the play? The mess of the meal? His reliance on the holidays to know his daughters? The ending?
10. The background of schoolgirls - friendships, crushes, rivalries, talk, the atmosphere of the school yard, the details of classrooms?
11. The portrayal of the teachers and the comment on education ? the role of the teacher, the headmistress, the maths teacher and her examination and lack of control, the sports mistress? The story-telling and the very moving emotional experience of the girl telling the story - and the girls rushing out of class? The callousness of the girls in class - their seeming sensitivity at that stage? Science, English? Discipline in the school and the administration? The friendship with the janitor?
12. The sub-plots with the girl running away from home, the phone calls and the practical jokes turning almost to tragedy?
13. The set pieces of meals, interviews with authorities, the dance, the play?
14. The recapitulation of the year and the formative influence for Anne? The flavour of the year, enjoyment, and silently walking along the beach? The prospects for her future?
15. Insight into human nature, education, growing up? parents? Divorce, love? The world of teenage growth and problems?