US, 1975, 90 minutes, Colour.
George Hamilton, Ray Milland, Linda Cristal, Ralph Meeker, Joan Blondell.
Directed by Curtis Harrington.
is an effective horror thriller, written by Robert Bloch, the author of Psycho and various other horror stories. It is directed by Curtis Harrington, who has specialized in horror period films like What's the Matter with Helen?. There is a good cast, an atmosphere of the thirties, and some good visual effects about the zombies and the impact of the living dead.
1. The qualities of this telemovie thriller? The techniques of horror designed for home viewing? visual effects?
2. The reputation or Robert Bloch as a horror writer and Curtis Harrington as a horror director? Their creation of atmosphere, suggestions of fear and horror, an atmosphere of terror? The audience's willing suspension of disbelief about zombies and their presence in America?
3. The importance of the atmosphere of the thirties, the style of the credits, the atmosphere of the Depression? The importance of capital punishment and the strong emphasis on the execution at the beginning - setting a mood and a tone of the Zombies and the traditions of Voodoo in America, the films of the thirties and forties about zombies and the zombie hero?
4. Society and capital punishment, zombies terrorizing a society where capital punishment is a fact?
5. The presentation of the hero, his discussion with his brother, his presence at the execution? His mission to find out the truth, the structure of the film detailing the various leads that he followed?
6. The gallery of supporting characters and the quick sketches and characteristics? What did they contribute to atmosphere? Leads for the plot? The help for the hero? The discovery of the Ringmaster and his control? The irony of his being the master controller of the Zombies?
7. The portrayal of the living dead? Visual effects, fears and scares? The reality and unreality? The particular figures who were dead, their backgrounds, death? The hero's brother? The black man and his presence and gradual revelation of the truth?
8. The sketching-in of the police and their work?
9. The build-up to the climax? the bodies, the threat to the hero, his brother appearing, tho death of the master controller?
10. The irony of the arrival of the police and the guard warning them away and his having the sign of the zombies?
11. How entertaining a short piece of television viewing? The appeal of horror, to the imagination, the ideas, life and death, the fear lurking behind these stories?