US, 1951, 79 minutes, Black and white.
Louis Hayward, Patricia Medina, John Williams.
Directed by Ralph Murphy.
Dick Turpin's Ride (also known as The Lady and the Bandit) is a very entertaining B-budget period drama from the early '50s. It was directed by veteran Ralph Murphy (who directed the stars the next year in The Lady and the Iron Mask). Louis Hayward had been The Man in the Iron Mask, Son of Monte Cristo and Captain Blood. Patricia Medina acted in a number of period pieces. Tom Tully is a bit American as Tom King. There is a delightful supporting performance by John Williams (Dial M for Murder, Sabrina etc.).
The film has excellent black and white photography, a fine use of composition as well as light and shadow. Some of the exteriors were filmed in England.
The film treats Dick Turpin as a kind of Robin Hood - although executed at the end. It is interesting to remember that this is the period of the English colonies - first in America and later in the century in Australia.
1. An entertaining period costume drama? The popularity of highwaymen? England in the 18th century? Adventure, international intrigue? The background of colonies and penal settlements of the 18th century?
2. Production values: black and white photography, period settings, English locations? The musical score? An authentic atmosphere?
3. Louis Hayward's portrait of Dick Turpin: a dashing young man, his work on the highway, collaboration with Tom King, courtesy to his victims? His visits to London, the narrow escape because of Hedger's betrayal? The encounter with David Carrick (and his later saving him)? The courting of Joyce? Her society-minded mother? His retirement from the road? Ton King's trying to persuade him to go back? The attack on Lord Willoughby, the escape from the fight at the inn? His being recognised? The king taking his horse, the French maid recognising him, her contacts and the robberies, her betrayal? The visit to Walpole and the giving of the letter? The escape to York? His being executed before the pardon arrived? The portrait of a popular outlaw hero?
4. Tom King and his action, loyalty, seeing highway robberies as a career? His giving his life for Dick Turpin?
5. Lady Green and her scatterbrained attitude, her protecting her daughter from Dick Turpin? Joyce as the heroine, impoverished, tending Dick with his wounds, escaping, hearing the final pardon from the Prime Minister?
6. Archibald Puffin pretending to be Dick Turpin? His teaching Dick manners? His inability to hold his drink? His style as a valet?
7. The treachery of Lord Willoughby, the Austrian connections, the countess? The close link with the king? His discovery of the betrayal? The role of Walpole the Prime Minister? The giving of the pardon to Dick Turpin?
8. Bow Street and the magistrates? Hedger as an informer? Seeing Dick at the inn and causing trouble?
9. The French maid, her quick thinking, her participation in the robberies, her betrayal?
10. Themes of law and order, justice? The injustice in Dick Turpin's life? His going on the road? His execution?