New Zealand, 1985, 91 minutes, Colour.
Cliff Robertson, Leif Garrett, Lisa Harrow, Shane Briant, Ian Mune.
Directed by Bruce Morrison.
Shaker Run is a New Zealand film directed by Bruce Morrison (Constance). However, it relies on two American stars for its impact. Cliff Robertson gives an effortless performance as a burnt-out stunt driver. Rock star and actor Leif Garret gives warm support. Lisa Harrow, the New Zealand international star, is the central figure.
The film's plot is no better (and no more credible) than an average episode in a television series. However, the film has excellent use of South Island New Zealand scenery, a lot of road work and speed driving, a number of stunts with cars and helicopters, especially the finale (and a good percentage of New Zealand's Secret Service crashing over cliffs).
While the material is routine, the stars and the spectacular photography make it an enjoyable average entertainment about speeding cars as well as an idealist scientist who wants to save the world. Unfortunately, she thinks that the C.I.A. are more credible than the New Zealand military forces. The film leaves us with than ambiguous thought at the end. (One of the co-writers was James Kouf Junior, who was to write Stakeout and write and direct Disorganised Crime.)
1. Enjoyable thriller? New Zealand settings?
2. The New Zealand locations, the beauty of the South Island, the open highways? Special effects, speed? Stunts, explosions? Musical score?
3. The title, the reference to the car, Judd and his working of the car, the final run and mission?
4. The focus on Judd and Casey? In New Zealand, the background in the U.S., Judd killing Casey's father at Daytona? Practising, the difficulties with the car? Travelling around, the exhibition and demonstration? Judd and Cliff Robertson's style, easygoing, effortless performance? Relationship With Casey? Christine's approach, the haggling? The decision to take the job, no questions asked? Fixing the car, going on the run, the puzzle about the box? Through the New Zealand highways? The approach of the helicopter, the soldiers, the shooting? Judd and his ability with the car, getting them out of difficulties? The dangerous pursuit? The quality driving? The managing of the car? Judd's being wounded, the siege, Casey having to drive the car out? The final pursuit, being trapped, driving through the bullets? The lowering of the helicopter and their going out over the cliff? The sketch of Judd's character? Casey, his work as a mechanic, devotion to Judd, fear of fast driving, the night on the town, the haggling over the price, finally driving?
5. Christine and her work, the experiments, the death of her co-workers? Thoreau and his visit? The discussion with Michael? The decision to steal the culture? At the speedway, the approach to Judd, the haggling? Her stealing the culture, arrival, no questions asked? The travel, the shooting, her regrets? Interrogating Judd about the past? Tending his wound? The phone calls to Barry, dealings with Michael? The final helicopter and her tying the chain to the car, the rescue? Her mistrust of the New Zealand security and military forces? Her faith in the C.I.A?
6. Barry and the C.I.A., his support, Interested in only getting the culture? Handling the situation? Michael, his support, helping Christine with the culture? Thoreau and the torture and shooting his hand? The finale with Barry? The C.I.A?
7. Thoreau, his silent ruthlessness, in the experimental laboratories, the stealing of the culture, the pursuit in helicopter, car? His henchmen and the shooting, his death? The finale and the vehicles all over the cliff?
8. How credible was the plot? Scientific experimentation? Military and C.I.A? In New Zealand? The stealing of the culture, the run in the car? The gun battle? The final destruction? The material of TV series episodes?
9. Popular entertainment, New Zealand and American style? (And the film's finale and warning for audiences to drive home safely!)