New Zealand, 1984, 95 minutes, Colour.
George Henare, Pat Evison.
Directed by Yvonne Mackay.
The Silent One is a children's film based on a story by Joy Cowley. Direction is by Yvonne Mackay from a script by Ian Mune (Came a Hot Friday). It was filmed in the Cook Islands and shows the beauty of Polynesian islands and the sea. There is also an excellently-filmed hurricane.
Telo Malase is attractive as the mysterious deaf mute child. Pat Everson is his adoptive mother.
The film is entertaining, works on the level of action adventure as well as legend.
1. A family film? For children? Adventure? Legend? Meanings?
2. New Zealand production, the use of the Cook Island locations? The islands, the sea, village life? The hurricane? Musical score?
3. The legend of The Silent One: the baby coming from the sea, the turtle, the barren mother taking the adoptive child? Growing up on the island? In the village, his not hearing (and the techniques used with the soundtrack for indicating this)? Difficulties of life, his way of hearing, sounds and music? The other children, playing, fishing? The detail of life day by day? The hostility of the priest? His diving, going further out, the white turtle, communication? His dreams? The hostility of the priest, the village? The hurricane? People's reaction, Jonasea on the rocks, surviving? Leaving with the turtle? The turtle imagery for Jonasea ?
4. The mother and her not having any children, saving the baby, loving it, helping him grow up, care? Her being persecuted? Defying the priest? Jonasea and the turtles, disappearances, the hurricane? Her grief as Jonasea went back to the sea?
5. The priest and his power, hostility, defiance, rituals? The people under him? Confrontation? His being outwitted? His death?
6. The presentation of life an the islands, work, play, adults, children, religion? The influence of the priest?
7. The hurricane and its effects, the destruction of the village? Fear, superstition? Rebuilding?
8. Jonasea and the sea, the fish, the shark, turtle?
9. A pleasing blend of action and adventure? Legend for children?