US, 1980, 127 minutes, Colour.
Christopher Reeve, Gene Hackman, Margot Kidder, Terence Stamp, Sarah Douglas, Valerie Perrine, Susannah York, Jackie Cooper.
Directed by Richard Lester.
In 1978 audiences were eager for a sequel. In 1980 they were satisfied. Director of sharp, satirical comedies Richard Lester has highlighted the comic aspects of Superman's adventures and character (not forgetting his solemn origins with Susannah York instructing her son). After foiling terrorists on the Eiffel Tower, Superman has to confront the three enemies from Krypton, headed well by Terence Stamp, who have equal powers to his. He also has to make decisions about his love for Lois Lane. The action is entertaining, frequently spectacular. Christopher Reeve is most affable. Many characters from the original make welcome, if brief, reappearances. This is an imaginative, lively and satisfying series.
1. The popularity of Superman over the decades: the comics and the capturing of the imagination of the '30s, American heroes, world heroes? The superhuman feats? Superman's success, the conquering of evil by good? The popularity of filmed versions over the decades? Why the popularity in the '70s and '80s?
2. The impact of the original film: the Krypton and significance sequences, the transition to the United States and the homeliness of the '30s and '40s, the comic world of Lex Luthor and his assistants, the newspaper world of the Daily Planet, the overtones of disaster films? The original film as a cinematic achievement of the '70s? Its recapitulation during the credits?
3. The quality of this sequel in itself, the particular tone given it by comedy director Richard Lester? His treatment of the characters. situations, comic and throwaway dialogue? His use of the symbolism of the first film? The role of the film as a sequel, the anticipation of a further sequel?
4. The initial adventure of the Eiffel Tower? The echo of terrorists, the media and interviews, Lois Lane interviewing people, intruding into the Eiffel Tower, being in danger? Superman coming to the rescue? The contrast with Clark Kent and his bumbling arrival at the office? His rescuing Lois and the reminder of the relationship of the two? The exploding of the nuclear bomb in space and its releasing the three villains? A satisfying introduction and the starting of a new plot?
5. General Zod and his assistants as the embodiment of evil? The prologue from the first film and their evil, judgment, imprisonment? Their vengeance against their jailer and his son? The irony of their being freed? Superman's mother giving the explanation and Lex Luthor hearing it? Their power, the humour of their encounter with the men on the moon and their killing them? Houston's incredulous reaction? The discovery of Earth - and thinking it Houston? Their going to the small midwestern town and their confrontations, destruction? The character of General Zod and the overtones of Lucifer and power? Ursa and evil woman? Non and his size, -ignorance? Leadership, power, cruelty?
6. The confrontation with the sheriff - and the comedy with the drawling sheriff and his small assistant? The siege of the town and the destruction, the various devices used by the villains - fire, shooting, throwing people around? The television coverage and the immediate spread of news of their power? The presentation of the President, the White House, the taking over of Washington, the President hiding and then capitulating? Humans humiliated before the villains from space? The need for Superman?
7. The character of Superman and the comparison with Clark Kent? Clark's bumbling and affable mistakes, making a fool of himself? Lois and her disregard for Clark, her infatuation with Superman? The humour of their visit to Niagara and the parody of the hotels for lovers? The boy falling over the falls and Superman's rescue? Lois Lane's realisation of the truth? Trying to test out Superman by falling into the river, Clark's saving her? Their discussions about Superman and his role, Superman's taking her to the North, the banquet and his getting the orchids etc.? Lois overhearing the message from his mother? Superman's willingness to become human for the sake of Lois' love? His becoming human, the love sequences, the drive south, the confrontation in the diner and Clark being bashed? Hearing the news and Clark's decision to return and regain his powers?
8. The sub-plot with Lex Luthor - Luthor and his comedy, his being the best criminal brain, his being in jail? Otis and the dumb assistant? The escape with the secretary, leaving Otis in jail? Luthor's trek to the North and taking his assistant with him? The discovery of the crystals, hearing the message? The recognition of General Zod, doing deals with him, arranging for Superman to come to Lois Lane, double-crossing Superman at the end? Gene Hackman's comedy touches as Luthor? The parody of the human villain?
9. Superman in action and audience enjoyment of these sequences: the Eiffel Tower. Niagara Falls, his renewing his strength, returning to New York and the confrontation with the villains?
10. The length of the film given to the battle and its detail, the intrusion to the offices of the Daily Planet, the fighting in the streets of New York and the spectacular feats? Down in the sewers, on top of the skyscrapers, the Coca Cola signs etc? The lifting of the bus with so many people in it? Superman seeming to be killed, to flee? The set-up for the final confrontation in Superman's home? His tricking Luthor and defeating the adversaries? Lois being in at the end?
11. The anti-climactic humorous ending with Clark returning to confront the bully in the diner? Lois and her disappointment at Superman's going to save the world? Clark kissing her and Lois forgetting that it had all happened? A satisfying ending for this sequel? Anticipation of a further sequel?
12. The appeal of the heroism, the treating of a comic strip character in a comic way? Unpretentious humour. even with spectacle? A modern embodiment of old legendary ideas of heroism and the saving of the world?