US, 1979, 100 minutes, Colour.
Joey Travolta.
Directed by Timothy Galfas.
Sunnyside is a minor contribution to the 'gang' film genre of 1979. Better examples were the excellent The Warriors and Walk Proud. other examples were Boulevard Nights and The Wanderers. This film has many derivative ingredients - but has the confidence of its convictions and presents them as if they were original. There is much verve and activity in the film. The cast is largely unknown but the main star is Joey Travolta. His appearance, manner and the disco-type opening of the film obviously exploit his brother John Travolta's star role in Saturday Night Fever.
However, Joey Travolta has a more gentle and restrained manner than his brother and can stand by himself. The film is certainly no masterpiece but, on its own small budget level, is quite an enjoyable and interesting example of a gang film. It is pessimistic in its tone and shows the futility of gang warfare and asks for people to face the causes, especially poverty, of gangs.
1. The trend in gang films of the late '70s? Their impact, the social background, the message? The films as being derivative of cliches about gangs, their composition, clashes and fights the background in such film as West Side Story? The presentation of violence exploitively or not?
2. New York city, its streets, ghettos, the people and their way of life, family joys, violence erupting, work and unemployment? The factories, the shops, the homes, the cafes? The drug dealing, robberies, exploitation? The film's colourful presentation of New York? The music and the use of songs? How authentic a presentation of the city - how contrived for the purposes of the film?
3. The brightness of the title and the opening song, the opening of the film? The lyrics? The gradual change to the darker side of the city and the dark ending?
4. The picture of gangs and interpretation of them - as always being part of the slum areas of cities? The types of men and women who are attracted to gangs? Their personalities, needing groups, being moulded by the ethos of the gang? The social phenomenon and its explanations? Individuality within the gangs -especially the leaders and the various types of leadership? The corporate personality of the gang, acting as one? The good bonds in a gang and the potential for good - as with Nick and his moves against exploitation e.g. with the carnival? The harmful aspects with domination, exploitation, violence? The power and dominance within the gang? Territory and domination, the inevitability of protection, clashes and warfare? Violence in bashings, death? Accidents? The role of the law and police? The codes of the gang and particular justice, vengeance? The inevitable sorrow from the violence?
5. The film's comment on '70s society, poverty and its forcing people on the street, jobs, boredom, the need to challenge energies? Ugly society? The picture of work, family life? Opportunities? The role of the police in this kind of society?
6. The opening and the introduction to Nick - the Travolta image? Disco, dance, swagger? Nick and his character with the group, his friendship and love for Donna, the visit to the carnival? The bonds with the gang? The potential for a hero?
7. Family life - Dennis at work and his art? The clashes and ridicule and joke? Billy and his study - and his comments at the table about killings? Donna and her place in this household? Mrs. Martin and her love for her sons?
8. The transition to Reaper Ed ~ in bed with the girl, the contrast with the Bible Group next door, his ridiculing of them? His leadership of his gang, his henchmen and violence? The love of violence, the lack of conscience, decisions to kill, the wreaking of vengeance? The ugly evil of the slums?
9. The build-up to the meeting of the gangs, the various groups arriving? The purpose of the meeting, the leadership exercised, the torch highlighting speakers, the clashes of personality? The plan and its social purpose? Nick and his hope for good? The build-up to the execution of the plan, the gangs converging on the carnival grounds, the machines? Money? The threatening guns, the real guns and the killings? The ugliness of Reaper Ed and the murders of the couple? The return of the group and the sharing of the money and its tensions?
10. Nick and his role in the gang - his influence, conscience? Donna and her pleading with him not to go in the gang? His love for Donna, romance, spending the night with her. the possibility of marriage? The continued encounters throughout the film? The discussion about pregnancy and the future, their final meeting and its ominous farewell? Nick and his love for his mother, the arrangement of the party? His reaction to the persecution of his gang, the torture and death of the members? Reg's death? The visit to the hospital? The resorting to guns? The surveillance of the gang, the plan for the blowing up of the building? His manner, politeness, being taken off by the police? His final release and the build-up to the ultimate confrontation? The inevitability of his death, the cause of grief, its futility?
11. The contrast with Dennis - shy. his art, his loving Nick and supporting him, Nick's trying to protect him, the encounter with Anne and his falling in love with her, the party and the sequence in the bathroom? His taking his mother to the apartment? The importance of the apartment for his future? His decision to help in the blowing up of the building? The final taxi ride and his presence at Nick's death?
12. The portraits of the rest of the gang - Harry and his, strutting, the ladies' man. his apartment and lending it to Nick, his cigarette dealing? Reg and his slowness. supervising the cigarettes, his self-defence, murder? The other members of the gang and their social background, varied racial backgrounds and the ridicule given them? The almost crucifixion of the gang member, his hospitalisation? The surveillance? Their blazing out in defence?
13. The trafficking in cigarettes, contacts, drugs? Reaper Ed and Des and the bashing of the car? Harry and Des and their deals?
14. The Warlocks in themselves. Reaper Ed and his influence, the killing of Reggie, the crucifying of the gang member, smashing Grogan's store, smashing the cake shop? Spies and the overhearing of the plan, the final confrontation?
15. Nick and his community attitudes and being mocked? His being trapped in his own world? Why?
16. The confrontation of the two gangs. the blazing out of violence, the picture of death?
17. The film as derivative, its energy and strengths? Its moralising points and its accurate and authentic picture of gangs - even though contrived for cinema purposes?