US, 1975, 93 minutes, Colour.
Charles Bronson, James Coburn, Jill Ireland, Strother Martin, Maggie Blye.
Directed by Walter Hill.
The Streetfighter is typical Charles Bronson material - he is the tough, silent, enigmatic American hero. He is the loner, the man with no lasting ties. But this picture of a streetfighter is also an impressive re-creation of a side of the Depression period, the world of men who wander the country, taking on labouring, fighting, betting and moving on, the world also of the big shots and the con artists. The setting is New Orleans and the film continually communicates its atmosphere and style of life. James Coburn, of the flashing teeth, suits the part of the flashy minor entrepreneur. A very masculine film of bare knuckles and Depression.
1. How interesting and enjoyable an action film? Its appeal to action fans?
2. The film as a vehicle for Charles Bronson? His appeal and impact in the 'Seventies?
3. The characteristics of Bronson as an American hero? His strength and toughness, the laconic winner, the survivor, the wanderer, the loner, the passing relationships etc.? How admirable an American hero? The defects of this kind of hero?
4. The highlighting of the title? The original American title was "Hard Times". Indication of themes? The importance of the visualizing of the fights? Their significance for the character and the times? Comment on the dramatic situating of each of the fights.
5. The importance in the film of the atmosphere of the streetfighters? The Depression atmosphere, hopping trains, the crowds, the docks, the factories, the exchange of money, the atmosphere of gambling, the losers who moved in and out of these atmospheres? How well did the film present this in its re-creation of sets, details of atmosphere?
6. The portrayal of the world of New Orleans? The streets, the shops, the bordellos, Chaney's rooms, Speed's house, Lucy's home, the details of the streets, the beggars, the cafes, the shoe-shiners, the world of the gangsters and violence, picnics, the cars etc.?
7. How well did the film depict Chaney as a person? A person who reacted to others rather than having drive in himself, the values he stood for, his independence and wandering, his need for money, his needs in terms of emotional relationships, his admiration for Lucy and dependence on her, refusal to love her? The episodic presentation because of the wanderer during the Depression?
8. The impression of Lucy? Her needs, her questions, eating with him, wanting to love him, yet not wanting to drift? The dramatic impact of their conversations, their goodbye?
9. The contrast with Speed and his girlfriend? Speed as the continual smiler, the con-man and gambler, wanting to be independent yet dominated, with an eye for the good streetfighter, his irresponsibility with people and money, his sponsoring of the fights, gambling? His dependence on Chaney? The fact that he could be a loser, being kidnapped and being beaten? His relationship with his girlfriend, with the prostitution atmosphere, with the gangsters? Did he deserve Chaney's help?
10. Speed's girlfriend and her contribution to the film?
11. Dr Poe and the fact that he was defrocked, his drinking, his helping the streetfighters, his dependence on Speed, his advice to Chaney? As part of the world of Depression streetfighting?
12. The picture of the streetfighting organisers? Their systems, the big fighters from interstate? The physical impact of the fights?
13. The background of the moneymen? Their role in New Orleans society? The origins of their money, their double dealings for example, the picnic? The put-up fights? The hold over Speed? The destroying of his car etc.? Torture?
14. The ending: the demands made on Chaney, his insisting that he owed people nothing, his decision to participate in the fight, his releasing himself from obligations?
15. How much insight into the tough life of people who needed to battle to survive?