US, 1952, Black and White.
Spencer Tracy, Katharine Hepburn, Aldo Ray, William Ching, Charles Bronson, Sammy White.
Directed by George Cukor.
Pat and Mike is one of the later Tracy/Hepburn comedies and is enjoyable and delightful. Written for them by the team of Ruth Gordon and her husband Garson Kanin, personal friends of the team and writers of their hit Adam's Rib, the film capitalises on Katharine Hepburn's sporting skills. She is herself but gets an opportunity to show her talent on the various sports arenas. Spencer Tracy plays the inevitable sports reporter. The film is light and, of course, the battle the sexes. Aldo Ray has an enjoyable role as a slow-witted boxer. Charles Bronson has a small role as a gangster, and can be seen thrown in a martial arts toss by Katherine Hepburn herself. Direction is by George Cukor, who had directed Adam’s Rib, and who directed both stars in numerous films? A good addition to the Tracy/Hepburn canon.
1. An enjoyable Tracy/Hepburn vehicle? The appeal of the stars, their comedy teaming, the sports theme and the satire on things American?
2. The quality of George Cukor and his direction and finesse, his working to get the maximum effect from the team? The writing of the Kanins and their work for Tracy and Hepburn?
3. M.G.M. production values of the 50s, black and white photography, gloss and finesse, presentation of sports, the comedy style?
4. The focus of the title, the Irish humour background, the indication of the relationship between man and woman, team? The theme of American men, American women? Overtones of chauvinism? Mike's comment on he's being he's and she's being she's? The humorous presentation of the battle of the sexes, comparisons and contrasts? Mike and his domination of the boxer, Pat and her domination of Mike at the end but his ironic final comment?
5. The film's focus on Pat at the start, Collier and the college, her domination by Collier and his intimidating her, especially at the golf-game (and the humour of the golf game with the nagging wife)? Pat's flaring up and showing her skill? The leading into her going into the tournament, being approached by Mike and being tempted to lose? The themes all being presented within this atmosphere?
6. Katharine Hepburn's sports skills and their presentation? Her characterization of Pat as tough yet vulnerable, intimidated? The relationship with Collier and her bowing to him? Her decision to leave from the train, her joining Mike's team? The making of the contract and the humour of its repercussions during the meal and her ironic comments, even about being burped? Her successes in sport, her failures and the nightmare tennis game with Gussy Moran?
7. The film's presentation of the world of sport? The long golf tournament at the beginning with the professionals of the time? The photography's focusing on golfing skill? The world of competition, money? Sport in America as pastime and big business? The presentation of real life stars of golf and tennis in the film?
8. Mike and his partner, background of the humorous tradition of gangster films , Damon Runyon style? The offering of the bribe, his being attracted to her and his comments about her figure, watching her play? The contract and the session at the restaurant? The growing bond between them, sparring, the massage, trading blows? Mike becoming good, the temptation to Pat to adopt his way of life and his resistance of this? mike and his control over his partner, his promotion of the boxer and his having him in control with the three questions, the humorous wisecracks with him?
9. The repercussions of success and failure on Pat? Mike's discovering the link with Collier? His building her up but the intervention of the gangsters and the encounter in the room, at the restaurant, the fight? The court case?
10. The characters of the gangsters, the humour of the fight and Pat's judo skills? The humorous repetition of this in the court room?
11. Pat and her final success, marrying mike? A happy ending with an ironic twist,, especially in his description of their unlikely combination?
12. A humorous presentation of America, a slant on men and women, the enjoyment of the sports background?