UK, 1973, 87 Minutes, Colour.
Trevor Howard, Martin Sheen, Cyril Cusack, Godfrey Quigley, Raf Vallone.
Directed by Jack Gold.
Catholics (The Visitor) was considerably delayed in reachinq Australian screens and was scarcely publicised (though weII reviewed by the secular press), this short drama of changes in the Church around the year 2000 seems topical with parallel happenings with Archbishop Lefebvre and his followers. The visitor (Martin Sheen, a young nodern priest) visits and examines a remote Irish abbey which (exploited by American television and international pilgrimage tours) promotes Latin masses and fights against changes. While the issues are interestingly explored (though not with theological precision or finesse),the drama finally focusses on Trevor Howard's bluff but tormented abbot and his portrayal of this man of religion is superb. Based on Brian Moore's novel, Catholics.
1. Critics were strong in praise of this film. Why? Its impact, range of jnterest, quality of acting, themes?
2. For what audience was the film made? English-speaking television audience? For Catholics, non-Catholics? Church and renewal in 1973 when the film was made? In later years when the film was released?
3. The focus of the title on the visitor and yet the focus of the film on the abbot? The original title of the novel was 'Catholics'. Which is more appropriate?
4. The choice of Ireland, for the conflict between renewal and the old Church? The visual ptptesentation of lreland? Its remoteness? Ancient Catholic history? Monasticism, people and their devotion to religion? The initial presentation of lreland and the outdated Mass? The contrast with Rome at the turn of the century? Rome and the Superior General as modern, clothes, computers? The visual, contrast, of the new Church world and the old? The importance of the musical score and its echoes of traditional music?
5. How much did the audience need to know about the nature of religion, the Catholic Church and its organisation, Renewal? How much about theology? And the history of the Church? The knowledge of the monks themselves and their ignorancere, shared bgy some of the audience?
6. The comment on Ecumenical Councils? Vatican IV and its particular focus? Rome and its attitude towards those not renewing themselves? The General and his responsibility, his deputising Fr. Kinsella as Visitor with powers and decisions?
7. The place of the sacraments? The nature of obedience? Theological discussion about the teal presence of the Eucharist? the traditional attitudes towards obedience? Fr Kinsella and his knowledge of South America, the social revolution in South America and the place of the Church? A point of division between the new church and the old?
8. How did the film present the ignorance of the Latin Mass? The monks and their explanations of the changes and people not attending Mass, the reversal to the Latin Mass and the number of pilgrimages, flights from all over the world? The types that were interested in preserving the Latin Mass? Their determination? Had the Latin Mass become more than a mere issue of the way of worship but of renewal, in the Church, obedience?
9. Comment on the detail of the Irish setting, the remoteness, the abbey and its way of life, livelihood, coast and the fishing, the abbot and his way of ruling? Helicopters and boats needed to get to the island? The distance from Rome?
10. Fr. Kinsella as a young American priest deputised by the Superior General as Visitor? His character within hjmself, as a modern priest, as a devout priest? The questions about prayer? His watching the Latin mass at the beginning, the refusal of transport, his determination to do his job and go to the island by helicopter? His attitude towards his job, towards the Latin mass, towards obedience, towards the abbot? Was he authoritarian in his manner or attitude?
11. The presentation of the monastery in its ancient beauty and remoteness? The spirituality of the order? The life-style and its poverty, the exercise of authority and potter? The monks and their ignorance, their spirituality and devotion? How fixed in their old ways were they? How inevitable was this?
12. The film's focusing on the abbot? Trevor Howard's performance and its strengths? His place on the island and his governing the monastery, his sanctioning of the Latin Mass? Audience expectations of a clash between the abbot and Fr. Kinsella? His welcome to Fr. Kinsella? His introducing the monks, his showing him the hospitality of the monastery? His cautious approach with Fr. Kinsella? His ironical comments? His introducing Fr. Kinsella to the monks in chapel, to the meals? The details of the way of life in the monastery? His explanation of its history? The indication of ambiguity in the abbott’s attitude? That he was not intransigent? The important question of the visit and his discussion with Fr Matthew? His exercising of authority and his respect for Rome? The question of own personal prayer and its difficulties? His decision to resign? What type of man was he? Did he explain his background sufficiently, his religious torrent? The importance of his hearing the monks, hearing Fr. Kinsella and deciding to forbid the Latin Mass? His comments on the Our Father? The decision that he should remain abbot, his leading the monks in prayer and to obedience? The final torment of his not being able to pray and yet wanting to, the still picture of his tormented face with which the audience was left? How masterly a study of a religious man?
13. Fr. Kinsella by contrast with the abbot and the complexity of his experience? As a modern religious in dress and attitude, the exercise of power, his more modern style of Eastern praying, his learning from listening to the monks, discussing, overhearing the abbot with Fr. Matthew, the confrontations, the learning of the religious torment of the abbot and making the decision that he should stay?
14. The monk who said the Mass and his simplistic attitude towards religion? His ignorance of Church history and the place of Latin in the Church? His taking for granted that what he said was right, his discussion with Fr. Kinsella after the catching of the fish? His explanation of himself? Was it inevitable that he could not understand Fr. Kinsella and was suspicious of him? How could he change except by blind obedience?
15. The young monk and his obsession, his participation in the prayer vigil, his anguish in the fields and Walter trying to guide him? Young fanaticism?
16. Walter and his supporting role in the monastery? His genial temperament, support of the abbot? His support of Fr Matthew and his regret of this? His daring the young monk to confront Fr. Kinsella?
17. Fr. Matthew as the embodiment of the religious, spiritualised state? Novice Master, severity, stern criticism and confrontation with Fr Kinsella? His organising the vigil and the abbot's confronting him with pride and disobedience? Why would he obey at the end?
18. The impact of detailed sequences such as the meals, the monks at work, the chapel sequence?
19. How realistic was the issue, the crisis, the interaction of character? How dramatic? Did the film veer towards the melodramatic at any stage?
20. How appropriate was the solution? A Catholic reaction to the solutions? A Non-Catholic’s? understanding of the issues and then resolution? A proper exercise of power and consultation, a due regard for peoples’ feelings and attitudes?