Saturday, 18 September 2021 19:19

Lady in Cement


US, 1968, 93 minutes, Colour.
Frank Sinatra, Raquel Welch, Richard Conte, Martin Gabel, Lanie Kazan.
Directed by Gordon Douglas.

Lady in Cement is a routine thriller. The main character is the Florida private eye, Tony Rome. Frank Sinatra had played this detective in the film of the same name, also directed by Gordon Douglas. This in generally predictable material - but is of note because of the teaming of Frank Sinatra and Raquel Welch. It was done with all the colour wide screen style of the late sixties.

1. The tone of the title? The expectations of a thriller? How well were they fulfilled?

2. How good an example of the thriller genre was this? Of the private eye thriller? The murder mystery?

3. What is the fascination for audiences of the American private eye thriller? The murder mystery, the private eye's access to different places from the police, the individual versus the police, the individual’s skill and the police's lack of it? How was this illustrated in this film?

4. How much did the film depend on Frank Sinatra and his style as Tony Rome? Was it well done?

5. How important was the background of Miami and the rich society of Miami? The amorality of the background? Is this necessary for private eye films that only crimes can be committed in this situation?

6. The value of the location photography, widescreen and colour, bouncy music?

7. Is Tony Rome a character at all? How did he contrast with Santini with his family background? What kind of private eye was Tony Rome? Attractive qualities?

8. How credible a heroine was Kit? Raquel Welch's style? glamour, a kept woman, drink, the races, her involvement in the murder? The fact that she was being used by criminals? Was her involvement with Rome credible? Was it meant to be?

9. How realistic were the criminals? The rich criminals and their background, the dives, the go-go dangers like Maria, the homosexuals? What did this add to the atmosphere of the film?

10. The significance of Gronsky in the film? His contribution to the plot? Dan Blocker’s bulk and violence?

11. Did the film have a good plot? Is It a good example of this kind of film?