UK, 1997, 124 minutes, Black and white.
Leslie Caron, Tom Bell, Brock Peters, Bernard Lee, Cicely Courtnidge, Emlyn William, Nanette Newman, Gerald
Directed by Bryan Forbes.
The L- Shaped Room fits into the pattern of English realist, or "kitchen sink" drama of the early 60's,. (A Taste of Honey, Saturday Night and Sunday Morning, A Kind of Loving, This Sporting Life.) By this time, former actor Bryan Forbes had begun to produce, write and direct his own films like The Angry Silence, (wrote and produced). Only Two Can Play, and Whistle Down the Wind. He was later to have success with King Rat, Seance on a Wet Afternoon, The Wrong Box, The Whisperers.
Lynne Reid Bank's popular novel of an unmarried mother finding some friendship in a flat 1n London has been transferred to the screen as a very sympathetic human drama. Leslie Caron is excellent as Jane and the supporting cast gives fine cameos of English 'types'. Recommended viewing.
1. What symbolic role did the room play in the film?
2. Did the audience get to know Jane very well - her background, her character, her worries? How did the film communicate this - merely by dialogue? What kind of woman was Jane?
3. What did the musical background add to the film?
4. Did the black and white photography have any advantage over colour photography? Why?
5. The doctor, towards the end of the film asked Jane if she had friends and she replied affirmatively. How hostile was she when she first went to the room - to Toby, Mavis? How suspicious towards John? How frightened was she? What changed her?
6. How did the sequences with Doris give humour and atmosphere to the film as well as highlight Jane's situation and attitude towards her being French, the amount of rent, the bugs and the mattress?
7. How did Jane and Toby fall in love? Did Toby really love her - how well did they communicate? Why was he so shocked about the baby? Why was he so hostile to Jane? She said people don't change because one "knew more about them. Is this true?
8. Did you like Johnnie? Why? Did the film make clear why he was so upset about Jane and Toby? His asking forgiveness.
9. How convincing Was the sequence with the abortionist? Why did it persuade Jane that she wanted to have her baby? Why was she surprised that everyone Was trying to help her get rid of it? Why did Mavis help her with the pills? Why did Jane take them? Why was she glad that the baby was saved?
10. What did the sequence of the visit by Jane to the prostitute's flat add to the film?
11. What did the visit to Movie' room and her talk about her friends add to the film?
12. Why was the doctor so kind? Was he too good and generous?
13. What was the significance of Toby's giving Jane the story as a gift in the hospital?
14. Why did Jane decide to go home? What had she learnt? Should she have kept the child? Would she have made a good mother?
15. What was the significance of the conversation with the girl who took over the room? How did it bring home the themes of the film?
16. What was the significance of the ending - that the story would have been marvellous with an ending?
17. Was this a valid picture of contemporary living?
18. How optimistic was the film?
19. Did the film give you insight into real people?
20. This film is considered by critics as excellent - why?