UK, 1986, 142 minutes, Colour.
Helena Bonham Carter, Cary Elwes, John Wood, Michael Hordern, Jill Bennett, Jane Laportaire, Sara Kestelmann, Patrick Stewart, Joss Ackland.
Directed by Trevor Nunn.
Lady Jane is Jane Grey who was Queen of England for nine days at the death of Henry VII1's son, Edward VI, before Queen Mary ruled England. This sumptuously mounted film is directed by stage director Trevor Nunn (Cats, Les Miserables). It boasts a strong British cast and two attractively romantic juvenile leads, Helena Bonham- Carter (A Room With A View) and Carey Elwes (Oxford Blues, Another Country) as Guilford, Jane's husband, used by his ambitious father, the Duke of Northumberland (John Wood).
History enthusiasts will enjoy the opportunity to think about a lesser known period of English monarchy. However, all will note the 'modern' tone of the dialogue, especially as the young Queen and Guilford attempt some utopian social reform with zest and naivety.
Leisurely paced, elegantly acted, attractive - an enjoyable historical pageant.
1. The film as history? Pageant? Romance? Social message?
2. The re-creation of the 16th century, English exteriors, interiors? The countryside, castles? Sets and decor, costumes? The musical score?
3. Audience knowledge of the period? Of English history and the Tudors?
4. The Tudor dynasty and the background, Henry VII, Henry VIII? The birth of Edward VI? The Protestant succession? The contrast with Mary and Jane? The role of the Dudleys and their ambition?
5. The background of the Reformation, the establishment of the Church of England, the break with Rome, the attack on popery, politics and religion combined, theological background and Jane's explanation of the Eucharist and her beliefs, martyrs of the new faith?
6. The introduction to the Greys, their lineage? The symbolic opening of the hunt and the trapped deer and the focus on Jane? Her being studious, not at the hunt, her studying Plato? The flight of the soul, freedom and bliss? Sequences of birds soaring? The chaplain and the evocation of these symbols at Jane's death?
7. Jane and her youthfulness, her position, her parents and their ambitions, Edward VI as a companion, his company and illness, her studies and her Greek, Dr. Feckenham and his visit, the discussion about Plato, about religion? The menace of the Earl of Northumberland? Edward's illness? The proposition of her marriage, her resistance against it after the announcement, the severe beatings, her independent attitude? Edward persuading her to marry? Her being trapped in her future?
8. The contrast with Guilford, his dissolute life, cards, drink, the prostitutes, the black sheep of the family, raucous life and friends? Receiving the message? His unwillingness? The first encounter and his clash with Jane? The wedding, the pomp and ceremony? The feast and his drunkenness? Their being sent to the monastery?
9. The marriage and the effect on Jane and Guilford? The first night and his drinking? The journey, the encounter with the peasants and their brand marks, the situation, the monastery? The clash, their gradually sharing ideas, falling in love, the innocence of Jane and her purity, the sensual and sexual encounter, their reform plans, the pledge and the breaking of the glasses? Youthful enthusiasm?
10. The news of Jane's becoming Queen, her fears, her commands, Guilford's influence, the nine days, the reforms, their goodwill, setting the prisoners free, the minting of the money and a shilling worth a shilling? The possibilities? The war and the sending of Northumberland to fight?
11. The failure of the battles, the desertions, the Council and their initial support of Jane, their meetings and the desertion? Her going to prison, suffering? Her relationship with Mary, the previous visit, the clash about doctrine, the warning to be discreet? The encounter with Mary and her role in prison, the trial? Her father and his rebellion to save his daughter, the irony of his condemning his daughter, the final night in the cell with Guilford, her refusal to convert to Rome, the description of Guilford's death, her own execution?
12. A girl, of principle, religion and reform, her comments about the Eucharist, social awareness, falling in love, being used for political purposes, a martyr? The pathos of the execution scenes, her short stature and the block?
13. Guilford and the change, his heart touched, love, reform, prison, not helping her to give up her faith, his death?
14. The portrait of John Dudley, his plans, using Jane, using Edward, keeping him alive and suffering, the diplomacy with Prances, his sons, control, the King and the arsenic, his satisfaction with the marriage, allowing Edward to die, his hold over the Council, his being sent by Jane and Guilford to the army, his defeat, his pretending to be converted, pragmatic approach? His failure with Guilford?
15. The Greys, the hunt, their decisions, the diplomacy about power, the father and his beating Jane, loyalty, her father repenting of his actions, his revolt against Mary, his death? Prances in the final sequence at court?
16. Edward VI, his rule, illness, his companionship with Jane, Northumberland and the decision-makers, being persuaded to urge Jane to marry, the suffering, his death?
17. The court, the attendants, Mrs. Ellen and her hold over Jane? Guilford's friends and advisers?
18. The Council, the lords, the bishops, their manoeuvres, fickle loyalties?
19. Princess Mary, her Catholic background, court, her talking theology with Jane, warning her? Her exile, return, the pomp, the freeing of the bishops, the decision about Jane's reprieve, the pressure of the Spanish ambassador, the portraits of Philip of Spain and her planned marriage, her decision about the deaths of Jane and Guilford?
20. The portrait of England, the Tudor period, Spain? The Reformation, Catholics, Anglicans? The desecration of the monasteries? The nobles and their taking over the wealth of the church? The poor, the possibilities of social reform? The modern overtones of the screenplay?