UK, 2003, 80 minutes, Colour.
David Morrissey, Michael Sheen, Dexter Fletcher.
Directed by Stephen Frears.
The Deal is a docudrama made at the time of the questions about Tony Blair's leadership in the aftermath of the war in Iraq. It goes back to the career of Tony Blair and Chancellor Gordon Brown, their meeting in 1983 with the Conservative victory. It shows them sharing office space, ideas, ideals. It also shows the hardships of being in opposition for such a long time to the Tories, especially under Margaret Thatcher. Television news footage fills in the background of these years, from 1983 to 1994, and focuses on some of the actual characters in politics at the time.
However, the focus is on an alleged deal made between Gordon Brown and Tony Blair that Blair would have the leadership of the party and Gordon Brown be chancellor if they were to come to government. This in fact did happen - but there were always questions about whether an actual deal was done.
The stars are excellent in the central roles, especially David Morrissey communicating the Scottish and taciturn manner of Gordon Brown. Michael Sheen shows something of the enthusiasm and even the opportunism of Blair. Direction is by Stephen Frears, an international director of such big-budget films as Dangerous Liaisons as well as small-budget BBC films like Liam.
1. A topical film for 2003? A picture of British politics? For British audiences, outsiders? Politics and their particularity, universality?
2. The work of Stephen Frears, his skills, his cast? The drama of politics, ambition, sacrifice of ambition?
3. The use of historical footage, Margaret Thatcher, Michael Foot, Neil Kinnock, John Smith and other politicians? The sense of realism as well as of memory?
4. British history from 1983 to 1994, Tory rule, landslide victories, the effect of Margaret Thatcher's government, the Labour Party in opposition, very weak? The ousting of Margaret Thatcher, John Major, the Tory sleaze factor? Labour building up? The Labour victory of 1997 - and the information given at the end of the film?
5. Gordon Brown and his place in Labour politics, Scot, dour, confident, intelligent? The scenes of his election and re-election? The small office, asked to share it with Blair? Their gradual friendship, united in opposition to the Tories? Discussion of tactics, policies? With Michael Foot, with Neil Kinnock, with John Smith? The example given of them holding up the discussion of a bill with questions of technicality? The friendship with John Smith, for each of them, his death? Their discussions of their ambitions?
6. The personal picture, Brown as a bachelor, his friendships? Tony Blair, Cherie, her pregnancy, the children? Cherie's support of Tony Blair?
7. The Labour defeats, the question of whether Gordon Brown should challenge or not, his not taking advantage of the situation, Blair using this against him later?
8. The contrast with Blair, his ambitions, popularity? Not from the heartland of Labour but accepted?
9. The portrait of John Smith, his potential to lead the party, his heart attacks, his discussions with Brown, his favouring Blair, his death, the funeral?
10. Charlie Wheeler and his plans, keeping off the press before John Smith's funeral? Wheeler and his wheeler-dealing, outdone by Peter Mandelson?
11. Peter Mandelson, his character, tortured, his friendship, people's comments on his manner - and vanilla smell? His help of Tony Blair, his being caught between Blair and Brown, his opting for Blair, his skill in meeting the media, winning?
12. The framework of the deal, Brown and his advisers and their decisions, Blair and the phone call? The meeting in the restaurant, the discussion, the result?
13. The value of this kind of contemporary political drama for audiences of its time? For later and historical and dramatic purposes?