US, 1973, 117 minutes, Colour.
Anthony Quinn, Frederic. Forrest, Robert Forster, Al Lettieri, Angel Tompkins.
Directed by Richard Fleischer.
The Godfather's characters were interesting since we got to know them well, even as we were horrified at their behaviour. This film gets us back to the horror at incredibly brutal actions of young and ageing punks consumed with self-importance and ambition. As such, any Mafia story is ugly. This one, with its gory emphasis on a gang-war engineered by a Iago-like villain, is an average gangster thriller, far less than the excellence of The Godfather. Anthony Quinn lends his presence to a somewhat secondary role. The central character is the shrewd young hit-man (Frederic Forrest) who profits by every death. Directed efficiently by Richard Fleischer.
1. Why are Mafia films interesting to modern audiences? what particular aspects of Mafia life, of Mafia violence arouse audience attention?
2. How real is the Mafia world and its moral standards? How does it clash with the norms and values of audiences? The Mafia world has its own presuppositions - of one's word and brotherhood and moral values follow from these. How real is this?
3. How did the film create its atmosphere during the credits and the initial encounter with the gunmen?
4. What were your first impressions of Frank and Tony and Vince? Were they able to be sympathised with? Or were they merely Mafia punks? How did the film present them? Were they interesting characters? why did the background of family life add to the significance of these punks?
5. The sequences with Vince and his wife? Tony and the wife and the children? How was this background helpful in situating the reality of the Mafia feuds?
6. What were your impressions of the Mafia executive meeting? The way in which it was run? The style of the gangsters in their business suits and their decorum at meetings?
7. What impression did Don Angelo make on you? How successful a Mafia chief was he? Why? Did Anthony Quinn's portrayal of Angelo add to Angelo's significance? How shrewd was Angelo in composing a solution to the difficulties?
8. How inadequate was Frank as a Mafia leader? Why was this obvious? How badly did he handle situations? How successful a man was Luigi Orlando? How well did he play his strokes?
9. How was Angelo a kind of Othello figure? Led by the nose in some way and manipulated for his own destruction?
10. How was Luigi a kind of Iago-figure - a master mind of evil - manipulating people without their being aware of it, achieving his own ambitions? How was Luigi's character illustrated by his relationship with Molly - his brutality, her goading, their double ambition? How successfully did he manipulate the families into war? Did he see their weak points and play on them well?
11. The character of Ruby? How important was she for the film? What was her relationship with Frank? Why did she give herself to Don Angelo? Why did he fall in love with her? Did she understand the danger? What were your reactions when she was bashed by Frank?
12. How did Frank's reaction to Ruby's living with Don Angelo typify his unsuitability for Mafia leadership? What did it reveal about Frank as a person?
13. Was the presentation of the Mafia war too brutal? who had the power to stop the war? How senseless was the war? Comment on the variety and styles of hits and the contracts? What was your impression during this part of the film? Does the Mafia have anything to commend it?
14. Why was Tony wanting to opt out of the Mafia life? Did he really want to opt out? Did Vince sense this or did Vince persuade him to stay? What effect did Vince's death have on him? How shrewd was Tony? How successful a leader was he?
15. Did, in fact, Frank's death - and the Neapolitan style, the apologies - pay the debts owed in honour? The inevitability of Frank's death? The long close-up of Frank's face before he drinks the wine? What moral comment on the proceedings did this make?
16. How important was the sequence of Luigi's death? Was it convincing? Were you glad that he got what he deserved? And Maria? How shrewd was Tony in realising what happened?
17. Don Antonio - was this inevitable from the beginning? The power that Tony had over Don Angelo in his incapacitated state and the other family? What future was there for Antonio?
18. Why was this film made? As crime and entertainment? As a comment on human behaviour? As a social comment on the Mafia and American life?