US, 1977, 124 Minutes, Colour.
Jacqueline Bisset, Nick Nolte, Robert Shaw, Eli Wallach, Louis Gossett.
Directed by Peter Yates.
The Deep is a straightforward thriller with conventional/predictable hero, heroine, villains - plus Robert Shaw to give vigour to the characterizations. The under-water sequences are the best and are generally excitingly filmed for suspense. On the surface Bermuda looks pretty but potential tourists may be alarmed at some gruesome voodoo torture, drug-pushers and brutal toughs. Peter Benchley wrote the novel and co-wrote the screenplay but treasure is the main concern of the sea, though several sharks put in alarming guest appearances towards the end (and a monstrous eel chomps away at times) but, despite the title's literal name, there is no real depth to a big-budget holiday adventure.
1. The reputation of the film and advertising? The link with Jaws? Peter Benchley? Audience expectations and fulfilment?
2. The importance of the Bermuda locations, the skill of the underwater photography and adventure and atmosphere, colour, music?
3. The conventions of the thriller, on the surface, underwater? How enjoyable, satisfying? Special or average?
4. The presentation of the young couple: in themselves, their characters, their work, quest? The experience of the Voodoo, especially to the girl? Danger? The historical investigations? Their involvement in the treasure? Involvement in the getting of the drugs? The reward? The dangers, the achievement? Could audiences identify with them as characters, in their quest?
5. The diver: the Robert Shaw character, his crusty reputation, his toughness, his deals? His skill, historical knowledge, help with research? His help with them in the underwater work? The dangers, the fact of his survival? (Credible or not?)
6. The portrayal of the villains as sinister, the Voodoo overtones and the graphic visual depiction and terrorizing of the girl? Their presence in the Bahamas, in the restaurant? Greed? The atmosphere of drugs? The robbery? The melodrama of the underwater shoot-out?
7. Adam as a villain: his past, his knowledge of the ship and the drugs, his drinking, easily betraying his friends, greed? His work with the sharks to kill the main characters? His greed and the explosion of his death? A pathetic villain? (Critics commented on the racist overtones of so many black villains. Adam as a balance as a white villain?)
8. Audience interest in the contemporary drug issues, the visualizing of the drugs underwater, the way that they were collected, stored, the explosives?
9. The interest in treasure, the detailed explanation of treasure ships, their sinking, the reasons for sinking, the reasons for such treasure, authenticating the treasure for reward?
10. The emphasis on danger on land and especially underwater, the exhilaration of the techniques of underwater swimming and investigation, explosives, suction machines? The exhilaration of finding treasure? Suspense?
11. How effective were the sequences with the giant eel, with the sharks? Tension, suspense, safety?
12. The build-up to the finale with dangers from criminals, the underwater fight, the eel? The explosion? An appropriate happy ending?
13. How enjoyable are adventures like this? Critics accuse them of superficiality and lack of depth. Does this matter?