US, 1974, 146 minutes, Colour.
Peter Falk, Gena Rowlands.
Directed by John Cassavetes.
John Cassavetes has a special style - long sequences of mundane incidents which he invests with an intense humanity, a build-up of detail and mood, with close-ups and expressive studies of his cast (like the breakfast sequence here, or Mabel's return from hospital). The impact is a harrowing portrait of a suburban housewife unable to cope with the influences of daily living and a loving husband unable to grasp what is happening to her. Peter Falk is good but Gena Rowlands (Mrs. Cassavetes), so good in her husband's Minnie and Moskowitz, gives an extraordinary performance, completely living the character of Mabel. Memorable, and a serious reflection on modern living.
1. The meaning of the title, the nature of the influence from drink to life, the indication of themes? The emphasis on the general title of 'Woman'? The feminine response to this film, the masculine response?
2. The importance of John Cassavetes' style, the presentation of a slice of life, the atmosphere of reality, the style of improvisation in action, situation and conversation by the characters? The atmosphere of authenticity with the improvisation? The nature of the camera work, the hand-held camera, the concentration on faces, the mobile camera for conversations? The importance of the musical background, the classical music used? The point of view of Nick for the outlook on the situations and characters?
3. How convincing a character was Mabel? The particular qualities of Gena Rowland's performance? How was she meant to be a typical woman, mother? Her attempts in trying to please her husband and children, her mother and her mother-in-law, the doctor? The stress that she was not being herself and the constant advice for her to be herself? How worried was she, how neurotic, the verge of breakdown and the effect of breakdown on her? Did she symbolize the plight of the modern woman and the modern housewife?
4. The importance of the initial situation for audience involvement and sympathy: Nick and his character, his being presented at work, his relationship with his friends, the hard work and the erratic hours? The communication via his phone call, his love for Mabel and the quality of his relationship with her? The children and their mother? The children going off with Mabel's mother and all the helter skelter of getting them away? The effect of anticipation?
5. The importance of Mabel's disappointment and her inability to cope with Nick's not coming home, the scenes of her drinking, aloneness, the collage of her wandering about the house, relaxing? Why did she go to the hotel, why did she pick up Garson Cross? The quality of their conversation, his puzzle about her? The fact that she took him home and that he went with her? The puzzle of the aftermath and Cross's inability to understand? The fact that Mabel called him Nick and wanted him out of the house? What did this behaviour reveal about her?
6. The impact of the twenty minute breakfast sequence? The fact that it was presented so naturally, the range of moods, the number of individuals involved, their personalities, the improvisation of their meeting each other and talking? Nick feeling at home, his satisfaction at the table? Mabel and her embarrassment, her knowing some of the men and not the others, her erratic way of behaving, the joy of providing for them? The particular incidents and Mabel's going too far, the consequent embarrassment? Nick's harsh reaction and the men leaving? How much did this reveal of the home situation and Mabel's madness?
7. How did the film show Mabel's fear of madness and her wariness of breakdown?
8. The long sequence of Grandma and the children arriving, of their all being in the bed, the whistling? The contrast with the breakfast sequence?
9. What did Mabel's waiting for her children after school reveal about her, her wandering up and down the street, her conversations with people, her poking faces at people? The importance of the fact that she pulled faces, mouthed words, revealed her attitudes? People's opinion of her?
10. The significance of the party, her singing of 'Swan Lake' and the sign of her madness, the dressing up of the children? Roy Jensen and his inability to understand what was going on? His embarrassment and fear?
11. The transition of mood when Nick arrived, his confrontation of the situation, violent reaction and slapping of Mabel? The consequent fight and embarrassment, her calling him a 'jerk'? The brink of madness?
12. Audience response to Nick's mother and her arrival, her dominant aggressive attitude, her attitude towards Mabel? The doctor and his smooth-talking way to Mabel, trying to get her to have an injection? This sequence as important of showing Mabel in her madness? The fact that she was committed?
13. Nick's reaction to his wife's breakdown, his lack of comprehension, his inability to take it? The sequences at work, people's reactions and questions and his harshness, the symbolism of the Mexican's fall down the hillside and his injuries? Nick's responsibility? The contrast of moods and audience preoccupation with Mabel?
14. The significance of the day at the beach, forcing his children to enjoy themselves, his hard attitude and relenting after the swim, giving them the beer to drink on the back of the truck, a better relationship with them at the evening? This sequence as a symbol of what was happening while Mabel was in hospital? Was it enough?
15. The caption of the six months' gap? The importance of having no visuals of Mabel during this time? How absent was she from the film? Nick's not visiting her or at least no indication given?
16. The build-up to Mabel's return with Nick at work, the sense of urgency, the crowd gathering for the party’ and their way of behaving, their comments, Margaret's judgement about whether they should go home, Margaret and Nick handling the situation, people's reactions and their going home?
17. The film's building up expectations about Mabel's arriving, the audience wondering how she would be after the treatment, a tense atmosphere, the number of people, the weather, the party?
18. How was Mabel when she arrived, the tentative attitude, being overwhelmed? Comment on how each of the principal characters handled her return? Nick and his awkwardness, Margaret, Adolph, the relations? Her anxiety to see her children and the tenderness of her meeting with them?
19. The easy unease of everybody at the table, the various faux pas that Mabel made, her comment on the figure of the girl, her asking her father to stand up for her, her comments about everybody going home? The importance of the leave-taking sequence and the effect on each and on Mabel?
20. Audience anticipation when she began to manifest the symptoms of madness, the 'Swan Lake', her going berserk and attempting to kill herself, the importance of Nick's slaps and the kids' reactions? Could Mabel have been permanently damaged?
21. The importance of the long goodnights to the children, the tenderness of this and the acceptance of Mabel as their mother? Her different reaction to each child? The effect on her?
22. How permanent would the reconciliation be? The importance of their clearing the table, their working together, not answering the phone? The musical background?
23. Comment on the amount of skill which went into the presentation of these themes?
24. Comment on the value of the film's exploration of society, America, individuals, sanity and madness, contemporary pressures, people's expectations of one another, the roles of wife and mother, husband? Ignorance? Treatment of breakdowns, hospitalization, shock treatment etc.? Was this an adequate comment on modern society?