US, 1981, 109 minutes, Colour.
Albert Finney, Diane Venora, Edward James Olmos, Gregory Hines, Tom Noonan, Dick O'Neil.
Directed by Michael Wadleigh.
Wolfen is the only feature film directed by Michael Wadleigh. Wadleigh had achieved great notoriety and fame about the event in Woodstock. Using multi-screens, filming for three days, capturing the atmosphere of this rock festival as well as the society commentary that it made on American society in the late 60s, the film was considered a documentary masterpiece. On the evidence of Wolfen, it seems a great pity that Wadleigh did not make any more films.
The film was based on a novel by Whitley Striber. It is a werewolf story. However, it also has social comment as well as political implications, linking the fate of the wolves with the experience of the American Indian. Both were deprived of their lands with consequences that led to prowling violence.
The film is also a New York detective story with Albert Finney relishing his role as a tough policeman - and with some edgy dialogue. The film visualises some of the horror of the attacks by the wolfen - giving it a gory overtone of animal menace as well as destruction. Incorporated in this are also themes of religion and the transcendent so that all in all, Wolfen is a potent mixture. However, with the violence of the animals, many audiences who may appreciate its message, may not want to view the violence.
1. The blend of police detection, political and social comment, horror and multiple killings, animal menace, religion and the transcendent? An entertaining film?
2. Use of Panavision colour photography? The impact of the city of New York: skyline, bridges, Manhattan, Staten Island, the slums and demolition of South Bronx? New York representing the western city? Symbol of western culture? The attention to detail, buildings, atmosphere? Editing and pace for suspense, shocks? The use of the Steadicam camera - the eye-view of the Wolfen, movement, speed? The use of colour, negative colours? The point of view of the Wolfen? Involving the audience yet distancing it? The contribution of the electronic sounds, musical score? The song in the restaurant? The orchestrations and the synthesised music?
3. Special effects, violence, gore? The visuals of the animals? Movement, smashing and destruction? The use of surveillance techniques and the filming of surveillance?
4. The background of technology and surveillance? The role of the law, surveillance outside the law? Prying and voyeurism - and the audience sharing this watching the film? Observation of behaviour? The use of surveillance techniques for discerning the truth? Monitoring? The surveillance for detection work? The contrast with ordinary detective work - slog, footwork, use of hunches and brains, observation and prowling? The wolfen and the innate gift for surveillance? Prying on human behaviour, self-protection? The wolfen with the natural gifts and technology catching up? The film's continual contrast between nature and technology?
5. The focus on Wolfen - the initial deaths and their gore, the audience not seeing the wolves? The later glimpses, the eyes in the church? The glimpses through Dewey Wilson's eyes? The gradual information about the deaths - no metal, teeth, the information about the hair, wolf's hair? The information about wolves - and the documentary films? Ferguson and his sympathy for the wolves? The point about their being predators, not killers unless provoked? The theme of the extinction of the wolves and of the Indians and buffalo? The linking of the wolves to Indian totems? Survival of the wolves under the cities? The theme of shift-shaping by the Indians and Eddie's becoming the wolf? The experience of Dewey or seeing the wolves, Whittington’s death, the scratch on his face? His going to the Indians and hearing the story - the age of the world, Indian harmony with nature, the tribes, the extermination, the humans seen as savage, progress in the cities seen as the destruction of nature, the Wolfen striking out to protect themselves? Dewey's confrontation and reconciliation with Wolfen?
6. Wolfen and audience response to wolves and fierce animals? Wolfen and the slaughter of the human beings, devouring them, self-protection? The visual impact of their stalking human beings, understanding, attacking, speed and movement? The background of voodoo, of New York and the Dutch buying New York and Manhattan from the Indians? The ironwork symbols at the battery and the windmill? The symbols of transcendence? The gods and the Wolfen totem? The role of nature? The psychological impact of the film - wolves as symbols of man's interior drives? Savagery and fighting? The preying on other human beings by technology and surveillance? The disappearance of harmony? Dewey and his confrontation of his Wolfen? The reconciliation with them and their disappearing? The importance of the mythical truth of the Wolfen? Dewey's final comments on their clash with human beings?
7. Themes of human selfishness. pollution of the cities, exploitive development, human garbage in the slums? New York symbolising other cities? The Indian and Dutch background of New York? The killings of the Van der Veers - at the battery and on the graves of their ancestors? The exploitation of the modern Van der Veers - politics, business, drugs? The traditional ancestors and their power over American presidents? The map and the control of the Van der Veers of the world? The opening, the ceremony, the wedding anniversary, going back to the ancestors and dying through the Wolfen?
8. The Indians and their survival? The protesters of the '60s and the '70s - and the ironic comment about commercials for Levis? Their work on the New York bridges? The opening and Eddie's throwing the bottle? In communication with the spirits? The encounter with Dewey on top of the bridge and using the imagination to defy death - flying like an eagle? Eddie's explanation of shape-shifting? His demonstration of turning into a wolf and behaving like a wolf? Baying at the moon? The explanation of shape-shifting? The Indians' explanation of Wolfen and their being in touch with nature? The final frame on the heights of the New York bridge?
9. The contrast with the background of urban guerrillas and terrorists: the fact., their telling lies to promote their own violence, reputation? The variety of terrorist groups - and the indication that it was almost chic to be a terrorist? The final arrests and the wolf symbol?
10. How much better were the police, the security watchers than the people whom they were surveying?
11. Police and their work - the human element, the offhand style of the ordinary hero, the thoroughness of their work? Dewey, Whittington, Warren - talks. cracks, attitudes of the slob, their relating to one another? The continued eating - no matter what the circumstances, even in the morgue? Relationships, liaison between Dewey and Rebecca? Their earthiness in coping and surviving? Their deaths?
12. Dewey as the ordinary American hero: waking, jogging, contact with headquarters, arriving by helicopter? His continued eating? His skill in detection work, inquiry? His cynicism towards officials? The working relationship with Warren? His power of observation. visits to the morgue and the occasion of so much explanation of forensic law to the audience? Meeting Rebecca, seeing her interrogation of the terrorists? His discussing himself with her? Hesitance in relationship? His protecting her, sexual encounter, rescuing her? His visit to the van der Veer towers and his attitude towards them? His work with Whittington and sharing discussions, friendship? Ferguson and his information? Prowling the Bronx slum and the church with Rebecca? The remarks about the influence of religion in their past? The search of the church, the sounds of the baby? The vigil in the tower and Whittington's death? His interviews with Eddie and his strength of character on the bridge? Seeing Eddie's demonstration of Wolfen? The encounter with the Wolfen and his glazed eyes? His return to Wall Street and the smashing of the Van der Veer plan? The siege by the Wolfen in Wall Street? The confrontation, Warren's death? The escape with Rebecca? The final confrontation, especially with the white Wolfen and his reconciliation with them? Their disappearance? His final warning?
13. Rebecca as heroine - her skills, interrogation, surveillance, personal life and encounter with Dewey, the search of the church, the visit to the cafe, his protecting her, the night, the final rescue?
14. Whittington and his skill, humour, information, the vigil with Dewey and the tragedy of his death? Ferguson's information, being at home with the wolves, going to search for them, his becoming their victim?
15. Warren and his nerves? His death? Dewey and his attitude towards the mayor? The culmination with the death of Warren - and the morbid discussion about the head and speaking after death? Warren's head?
16. The comparison of the Wolfen with terrorists? The apocalyptic name of the Gotterdammerung and their wolf symbol?
17. Audience interest in detective work, the horror, politics and the shift to social commentary? The skilful film-making for using techniques for contemporary comment?