US, 1957, 110 minutes, Colour.
John Wayne, Maureen O'Hara, Ward Bond, Dan Dailey, Ken Curtis. Edmund Lowe. Kenneth Tobey. Sig Rumann, Henry O'Neill.
Directed by John Ford.
The Wings of Eagles is one of several John Ford film starring John Wayne and Maureen O'Hara. They worked together in Rio Grande and especially in The Quiet Man. This is a tribute to 'Spig' Wead, an air ace who suffered an accident, promoted the use of aircraft by the Navy, and who became a playwright and screenwriter in Hollywood. The part suits John Wayne very well and he is his usual self. Maureen
O'Hara has another spitfiery heroine role. Dan Dailey is all smiles as Wead's friend who rehabilitates him after his accident and is forgotten by him. There is a good supporting cast led by Ward Bond who, it is said, does an impersonation of Ford himself. The film is a colourful piece of Americana (Ford working in colour and Cinemascope). It is one more of his tributes to the old American way of life, the armed services and their comradeship, the strength of American men supported by strong American women.
1. The qualities of John Ford's films: Americana, the armed forces, strong heroes and heroines, action, war?
2. The film as a John Wayne vehicle - his embodying the character of 'Spig' Wead? A strong American hero? Matched by Maureen O'Hara? The film as a tribute to Wead. a biography? Hallowing him? Presenting the unpleasant sides of his character - especially the failure of his marriage and his relationship with his family? His being wedded to the armed forces and his love for action?
3. Ford's capacity for portraying zest and action on screen? Wead's aerial skill and energy? Air competitions,, warfare? His writing, success on Broadway, film-writing? Wead as one of the boys - and the strong tradition of boy-o activity in the forces? An image of the strong American hero?
4. Colour, Cinemascope, period re-creation, action sequences? The rousing musical score and traditional songs, especially from the forces?
5. The atmosphere of the opening: the Navy party and its style, Wead and the discussions about training and aviation, the Army rivalry and his reckless piloting of the plane, the crash? The discussion with the officers and the points made about Navy and aircraft? His winning the day., the needs for aviation development, the races, record-breaking, Senate committees, his achievement?
6. The seriousness of his work - yet the outlet with his fellows? The crashing of the Army party and the brawl and the cake? The later retaliation by the Army? The police coming in - like the Keystone Kops! The film's points about masculine comradeship?
7. The comradeship with the men: with Carson. Pinkus, Johnny? The friendship, the work together in the services, protecting one another, pulling strings to work with one another? Advancement? The final service in the war?
8. The character sketch of 'Spig' Wead - as embodied by John Wayne, his enthusiasm about flying, his skills, his behaviour at the party, serious discussion with the officers? The clash with Min at the party? Her vigorous reaction? The lyrical sequences at home - and the pathos of the death of the child? The two girls growing up? His continued absences from home? The clash with Min? Shifting houses? His return home and the girls asking permission to call him 'Daddy' etc.? Min and the possibility of a reconciliation? The accident?
9. The accident changing their lives? The impact on Wead himself. the ordeal in the hospital, courage for operations? The importance of Carson's support and insisting that he will himself to be healed? The long hospital sequences? Carson's insistence and ways of cheering him up? The doctors and nurses and their help? The singing, the irony of the surreptitious smoking and drinking? Wead eventually moving his toe, walking, the encouragement to take steps? San Diego and the battleships and the Navy's gaining aircraft? The suggestion that he write, his short stories and their rejection, ultimate success? His gradual rehabilitation, walking, visits? His success with screen work, the visit to the director, the plays and New York? The encounter with Carson and his having ignored him?
10. Min's visit to the hospital, his telling her to go and lead her own life? His love for her and the girls? His letting Carson go and his regrets when he met him again? A man who was always letting people go?
11. The possibilities of remaking his life? The discussion with the housekeeper? The visit to Min and inviting her back? His longing for his daughters? The sudden eruption of Pearl Harbor and his decision to go to the service, his intense involvement? Carson and his working with him? Carson's saving his life? The encounters with Johnny? His illness and the circumstances of his retirement? Tribute?
12. What kind of man did the film say Wead was: his strength, weaknesses, potential, failures, involvement in his work, ignoring of his family, happiness? A balanced tribute?
13. His effect on people - especially Min and Carson? His inability to relate well with people - his success with causes and with machines and strategy?
14. The humorous glimpse of Hollywood and the satire on John Ford?
15. The use of authentic war material in the film? The re-creation of World War Two and the Pacific war? John Ford's own involvement in it and his recapitulation of it in this biography?
16. The glorification of an America of the past, the old fashioned strong American virtues and patriotism?