UK, 1974, 93 minutes, Colour.
Elliot Gould, Trevor Howard.
Directed by Jack Gold.
Who? (The Prisoner of the Skull) is a modest old-style spy thriller with a preposterous sci-fi horror title. This film covers the familiar material of Russian/German spying and F.B.I. Intelligence countering manoeuvres. A U.S. scientist, reconstructed (including metal face and head) after a car accident, has to be tested to see if he is the authentic person claimed. The screenplay progresses by cross-cutting the U.S. progress (centred on Elliot Gould's F.B.I. supervision) with the Communist reconstruction (centred on odd-accented Trevor Howard). In stead of a twist at the end, there is a twist before the end. All in all, quite unexceptional, but on the other hand, short and quite reasonably enjoyable.
1. An entertaining thriller? Espionage, European background of the Cold War, the place of the United States? Science-fiction overtones? Human themes?
2. The quality of British production, low-key treatment, action e.g. car chases? Interrogation and brutality sequences? Pacing? Elliot Gould and his American style contrasting with Trevor Howard?
3. The point of view of the film especially about war, scientists and their careers, secret projects, the place of espionage, violence? Human rights? The quality of human life?
4. The significance of the title, Who? The alternate title of The Prisoner of the Skull and its overtones?
5. The immediate impact of Dr. Martino - his appearance, the artificiality, the inhumanity of the skull? The overtones of the monstrous? Science fiction? The humanity despite the appearances? His reputation, scientific career and skill, the accident? The irony of his being rebuilt by the Russians? Their drawing on his experience? His character, his resistance? The consequences for the Americans, for the Russians? The testing of his identity? The importance of the people in his life, the encounter with Edith and her doubt? The crisis in his life as regards his future? The impact of the American interrogations? His opting out of the world of espionage and defence? His opting for his farm? A symbol of the 20th. century expert?
6. Rogers and his skills, his harshness of personality, his acceptance of the assignment, motivation? His interaction with Dr. Martino? His aggressivity, brutality? His doubts, the skill of the tests for identity? His dilemmas? The encounter with Edith? His final decision as regards Dr. Martino? The change of policy? The impact of the final encounter? How much of a hero was he for this film? In comparison with Dr. Martino?
7. The comparison with Azarin? Russian skill, intelligence, ruthlessness, exploiting the situation? The treatment of Dr. Martino? The plans? The alternate Dr. Martino?
8. The importance of the Neptune Project, for the Americans, for the Russians? The defector? The importance of strategy over people?
9. The contribution of the minor characters - the Russians and intelligence, espionage, military skill? The comparisons with the Americans and their counterparts? The ordinary characters caught up in the world of espionage?
10. The adventure ingredients and audience entertainment especially the car chases, the F.B.I. agent and work?
11. A portrait of a human being and the dilemmas in the modern technological world? The importance of learning, skills? The dominance of technology? The opting away from this? The indications of "a better life"?
12. The Detective Story style of the film and audience interest, curiosity? The aspects of the puzzle? Identity questions? An entertaining humane thriller?